Chapter 3 - I'll Make You Fall In Love

Start from the beginning

"I really want something daddy.. I promise after this wish I won't ask for anything else again" I said and he glance at me. I take a deep breath first

"What is it? Don't make your dad anxiously waiting.. do you want a diamond? No cupcake we-"

"I want to marry Luke Hastington" I said and at the same time my dad stepped on the brake. Thank God the road is not pack or we'll got into an accident

"Marry? Luke Hastington?" He asked and he started to drive again


"Why? Why do you want to marry him?"

"I like him.." I said simple

"I don't think I can do that sweetheart" He said and my heart crunch

"Why?" I said a little annoy

"You need to meet his parents and I have to ask for that , you know the 7 Gold Lifes doesn't want to settle down"

"But 4 of the 7 already did"

"Luke is the most difficult one Hailey" My dad sighed

"I want to marry him dad and that's final.."

"Hailey it's not easy.. we just got the deal and if we want something like that we might lose the deal"

"Dad please.. I really like him and I want to marry him so much please" I begged

"Hailey.. I don't think I can grant your wish"

"Daddy" I whined

"Hailey don't do this okay.. they're important people , we can't just ask him to marry you" My dad let out a sighed

"I will marry him daddy.. I will get him"

"Hailey.. I'll grant everything just not marrying him" He said and I shook my head

"What Hailey wants , Hailey always gets it. No matter how hard it is , I'll marry him" I said and my dad shook my head

"He'll hate you Hailey"

"No.. I will make him fall in love with me" I swear it

After that we arrived at the Hastington Hotel again , my heart jumps in excitement and I can't help but smile so widely. My dad just looked at me weirdly , I ignored him though

We go up to the meeting room , we got in first and there's no one there. Of course we need to wait for them. Can't wait to see Luke again.

Suddenly the door opens , revealing.. Rose Hastington??

"Hello.. Good morning Mr. Anderson and Hailey" She smiled warmly

"Good morning Mrs. Cesantio" My dad shake her hand and then I shake her hand

"Mr. Anderson please call me Rose" She chuckled

"Where is Luke?" I asked straight forward and she looked at me a little shock

"Luke? My brother?" She asked and I nodded. My dad pinched my hand to signal me not to ask her about it

"They will come in a minute , but first I want to give you details about the contract and then the guys will come here" She smiled sweetly and I can't help but jump excitedly inside my heart. She explained it to my dad and I just anxiously wait for them to come.

I tapped my feet continuosly because I'm nervous.. so nervous to be exact

Suddenly the door opens , revealing Sky Locason first and then one by one start to appeared. I saw him wearing a grey suit , his hair was so perfectly comb and he looks so handsome. Damn.. can I take a picture right now?

"Hey babe" Max kissed her wife's cheek and she smiled

"Good morning Mr. Anderson and Hailey" Kenneth greeted and I don't care about his greeting. I only looked at Luke , my eyes only stuck on him. I looked at him like he's the last person on earth.

Suddenly his eyes land on me , I smiled and he just looked away giving me a cold shoulder..

Luke Hastington , I'll make you fall in love with me

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