Halloween Special

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You giggled and said,"Jealous much?" Subaru glared at you and he said,"I AM NOT!!" You giggled at this and you raised your hands in surrender. You wrapped your arms around him and you looked up to him and you said,"There's no need to be jealous my little dracula." You kissed him on the lips and he kissed back and you bit his bottom lip. Subaru knew that you weren't innocent as you as looked.


You arrived at the Mukami Manor and you pulled the book out of Ruki's hand and he looked up at you. Rui looked at you up and down and he said,"What are you supposed to be?" You smiled and said,"I'm supposed to be Lara Croft, from Tomb Raider, she's an archeologist as well." Ruki liked what the costume you were wearing because you had your hair tied back in a pony tail and you wore a T-shirt that reveal the top of your bra and it showed off your stomach. You also wore shorts that revealed your thighs and they were a bit tight that they showed off your behind.

Ruki pulled you close to his chest and he said,"That costume is too revealing, you're staying here with me that way no one can see that costume you're wearing. You blushed bright red and he closed and locked his door and he ripped off the costume off you and it was history.


You had the biggest frown on your face why? Because you had made the biggest mistake letting kou pick out a costume for you. Kou knocked on the bathroom door and he said,"Kneko-chan, are you ready yet?" You frowned and said,"I ain't coming out Kou! The costume you picked out is too revealing!" Kou then said,"Please come out Keneko-chan, it can't be that bad."

You sighed and you opened the door and you glared at him angrily. Kou looked at you up and down at the cat costume he picked out for you and it revealed a bit too much of your skin. Kou then said,"You're right, it is too revealing." You shouted,"See!! That is the last time I'm letting you pick out a costume for me I look stupid!" Kou grabbed your wrist and he flashed the two of you onto his bed and you blushed bright red.

Kou smirked down at you and he said,"You don't look stupid, you looked sexy wearing that cat costume, but I don't want anyone else seeing you like this." He said as he leaned down and he starts to kiss and suck on your neck. Even though you weren't able to go to the party but you did had a little fun with Kou.


You got out of the bathroom and you saw Yuma sitting on the window sill looking out of the window while eating some sugar cubes. You smirked and said,"Oh Yuma." Yuma turned his head and when he saw your Erza's flight armour, he dropped his sugar cubes and you spun around showing off your costume. You smirked and said,"Like what you see?"

Yuma smirked and he came over to you and he wrapped an arm around your waist and he said,"Oh yeah, you look hot wearing that right now, you know what, screw the Halloween party." He said as he threw you onto the bed making you giggle. Yuma crawled on top of you and he said,"Let's see if this erza can fight me off." Yuma said as he leaned to your neck and he starts to kiss and suck on your neck and what a night the two of you had!


Azusa blushed at the sight of your goth loli costume. You blushed as he stared at you and you said,"well? What do you think?" Azusa nodded his head and he said,"You look...beautiful.." You smiled and said,"Thanks, let's go." You said as you held his hand and just when you were about to drag him to the party he stopped in his tracks. You looked at him and said,"What's wrong? aren't you coming?" Azusa shook his head for a 'no' and he said,"No, I don't the other boys seeing you in the costume."

You blushed and then Azusa pulled you close to his chest and he hugs you tightly and he kissed you roughly on the lips. You surrendered your body in his loving care as he picked you up and he laid you on the bed and then the two of got into a make out session.


The Art gallery that you worked at were having a Halloween party so you dressed up as a vampire queen and Carla couldn't stop looking at you with the lustful look in his eyes as he saw you in your costume. Carla walked over to you and he said,"Wow, you look beautiful (Y/n)." You smiled and said,"Thank you." Carla wrapped and arm around your waist and he pulled you close to his chest.

Carla smirked and he said,"You know, why don't we go somewhere more private, that way no one will see you in that dress." You smiled at this and you let Carla hold you close in his arms and he teleports the two of you to your office and that's where the fun began.


Shin had the biggest grin on his face as he saw you in your red riding hood costume which had a mini red skirt and it showed off your bare thighs and the top barely covered the top of your breasts and you had your hair tied in low pig tails. Shin wagged his tail happily and you said,"Like what you see?" Shin ignored your question as he stared at your chest. You noticed this and said,"Shin quit staring at my chest." Shin smirked and said,"I can't help it besides, you look so delicious right now."

You giggled and you said,"Oh no, the big wolf is gonna catch me." Shin chuckled and he said,"You've got that right, come here you!" You started to run as Shin starts to chase you and you then let him catch you. Shin licked the side of your neck making squrim in the process and you said,"Hehe! Shin that tickles!" Shin smirked and said,"Come on my little Red Riding Hood, it's time for my dinner." Shin throws you over his shoulder and he carried you back to his room and that's when the real began.

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