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'Mommy, mommy, we're back! All of the daddies took us rollablading, it was sooooo fun! I was the bestest though, wasn't I mommy. I didn't fallded over once!' Cassie's four years old twins clamoured as they burst through the front doors of the mansion, their fathers strolling in behind them, talking comfortably. Her heart swelled with pride as she walked over, and kissed each of her lovers' cheeks. Her beautiful, intelligent, gifted children, meant the world to her, and they knew it.

'Yes babies, I'm sure you were both wonderful, mommy's very proud. Oh, hush Luke, my big boy, and don't hit your poor sister. Apologise, there's a good boy!' Cassie calmed her squealing children. 'Now, off you go! We're going to a big pack BBQ tommorow, and you don't want to fall asleep on a pile of sausages, do you? Goodnight, angel. Love you, tiger, be good!' The children giggled and she pressed her lips against their foreheads, before shooing them off to bed. She sighed hapily, and made her way to the master bedroom, where she knew her mates were waiting for her.

Cassie opened the door. Suddenly, she was lying, pinned to the bed, with Damon propping himself up on his elbows above her. 'You are amazing,' He purred, 'We love you, Kitten.' He dipped down for a kiss, sucking her sweet spot on her neck quickly. She mewled, these men knew her better than she knew herself. As she felt Will's hands crawl up her shirt, she just purred and arched her back towards him. This was it. The best her life would ever be. Cassie was living each day like her last.

Cassidy Jane Lightwood

Jace Xavier Knightley

Damon Aron Knightley

Ryder Finn Knightley

William Marcus Knightley

These five brave souls passed away on the 11th of February 2178. Loyal, kind and loving to the end, they died in a rogue attack, sacrificing themselves to save their pack. The very best of Leaders and Lovers, you wil be missed. Ave atque vale. Hail and Farewell.

My Alpha MatesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang