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'We found out who hurt you. The little coward admitted it himself! Put it like this, he won't be doing it again anytime soon.' Jace exclaimed proudly, 'He'll never touch you again.' Will sensed her distress, and gently walked over to her, lifting her little body onto his lap, and asking her what the matter was. She shuddered violently, practically hyperventilating, and told him, the words tumbling out of her mouth in a rush.

'H-h-he s-said he would w-wait until w-we were in wolf form and kill me as a 'pathetic excuse of a puppy' if squealed on him. You can't always be there, and I don't what him to hurt me again. It always hurts, Will. It hurts so much! I never wanted to be a weak little omega...' She whimpered quietly, sobbing into his shirt as all the pent-up emotions came bursting out of her. He just rocked her, and murmured soothingly into her ear.

That night, she fell asleep infront of the TV, stretched across the boy's laps. Cassie was happy, completly and utterly fulfilled. Well, that was new.

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