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Cassie packed the last pair of sneakers into one final box, and carried it outside to the car. Her mother stood beside the heavily laden vehicle, her eyes filled with pride, love and unshed tears. Cassie packed the box, hugged her father, and kissed her mother's cheek. Then she got into the car with her four mates, and drove away from the house she had lived in all her life. She didn't look back.

Three hours later, all her stuff had been unpacked in the massive white walled room with large windows and wooding flooring that was now her own. She stuffed her last book onto the shelf and collapsed onto the king-sized bed in the strange room. Realizing she hadn't seen Damon all day, she got up, making her way to the door. That was when she heard the strange noises coming from the otherside. Cassie pushed the door open silently, and froze.

The sight that greeted her eyes was not pretty.

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