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Cassie stumbled down the stairs, vision blurring with pain. She was skinnier, had dark shadows under her eyes and her would was constantly bleeding, making her weak and dizzy. Now she was also scared and nervous, trusting no one. Seeing that her mates were angry with her, and they hadn't marked her yet, the pack were abusing their omega, even if she was the future luna. She was currently trying to find some bandages and bruise ointment.

As she walked into the living room, the brothers looked up and took in her appearance, jaws tightening. She walked to the medicine cabinet, and gently pulling of her blood soaked bandage, wincing as she did. Growls filled the room, she twitched with shock and shivered, scared. She aplied a new bandage, a little whimper escaping her lips. Exhausted by the short journey downstairs, she limped over to the corner of the room, and sat down quietly, pulling her knees up to her chest. Soon, everyone had gone to do 'pack business', only Will was left. 'Will?' She called quietly, 'Do you know where the bruise ointment is kept?' 'Why?' He asked suspiciously. 'Errm, because I tripped?' She replied hastily. 'Let's see.' He countered. 'Never mind, it's not so bad.' She replied, wincing and clutching her stomach as she got up. Suddenly she was pinned against a wall, with Will's hands at the bottom of her t-shirt. 'Will just leave it!' She half-shouted, struggling in his grip. But the damage was done. He had seen the black and blue imprint of the studs of a football boot, hammered into her skin, again and again. He growled and yelled form his brothers, gently stroking her damaged skin. The others ran inside, and stopped. Then their eyes took in Cassie's injuries, and suddenly the room was filled with furious growls, and voices asking, 'Who did it?' and, 'Why didn't you tell us?' She cringed back and answered shakily, 'I don't know exactly who it was, there was a group of mixed people, and unconscious quite soon. I didn't tell you because I don't trust you anymore, and they threatened me.'

Suddenly Will's hand was cupping her cheek, 'Shhh, it's ok. We'll protect you, and Jace will take of the impervious mark. First though, let's clean up these bruises, ok?' And with that he got out the bruise ointment.

That night, just before she fell asleep, Jace licked her neck and kissed it, making the mark dissapear. 'I'm sorry.' He murmured as she fell asleep...

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