29. Another Date

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Elena's POV

"We should go on a date" Heath announces as he walks into our room, he makes me call it that now

"That's no way to ask" I said, jokingly

"Good thing I wasn't trying to ask you"

"I hate you" I said, walking out of the house

"If you hate me so much, then why did you just agree to go on another date with me?" 

"I didn't!" 

"Yes you did, baby. Be ready by 7" 

He's gone

God, he annoys my soul

It's 6:30 so I guess I should get ready for our "date" that I didn't agree to

Somehow, I managed to get ready in 25 minutes so I was ready when Heath barged in

"Let's boogy"

"I'm breaking up with you" I joked

"You wouldn't dare" He said, dramatically

"Oh, but I would" 

I walked away and got in the car, not waiting for Heath

"So where are we going?" I asked as he got in the car

"Food" He said vaguely

"Oh, we're going to Food? I'm so excited! I've always wanted to go there" I said, very sarcastically

It was a very boring car ride. It consisted of me asking him where we were going and him turning up the music to block me out.

We arrived at the restaurant and I decided to keep bothering him

"Oh my god, we're at Food! Yay!"

"Get back in the car, I'm taking your ass right back home"

"Yeah right" I said, walking up the door

I was hungry and I was going to eat, with or without him

Luckily he managed to run ahead of me and got the door for me so I guess I don't have to eat

We got sat at our table and ordered our drinks without any flirty waiters, which was nice

"So, home after this?" I guessed

"Nope" He smirked

"Oh wow" I said, genuinely surprised 

He ordered both of our foods and we ate in comfortable silence

We finished eating and then he paid, even though I tried

"Beautiful girls don't pay for their food" is what he told me when I tried to pay

Which I argued about because Selena Gomez is beautiful and pays for her food as far as I know

He didn't let me argue with him because he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the restaurant and to the car.

We got in and Heath started to drive away from where the house was

Wow, I guess we really aren't going straight home

"So where are we going?"

"We're literally in the parking lot. How do you not know where we're going" 

I looked out the window and sure enough, we were in a parking lot. The parking lot for the movies to be exact

"We're gonna be cliche?" I asked, smiling

"We are" He said, getting out of the car

We walked in and he let me pick the movie so I picked Captain America: Civil War

We walked in and the movie had already started

I turned and looked at him, then rolled my eyes

"Not everyone is perfect" He shrugged

He dragged me to the very last row since he said it has the "best view"

We only watched the movie for like 20 minutes before we decided that it sucked and left

"Maybe being cliche isn't for us" He laughed

"I don't think so" 

We went home and just went straight into our room and put on Friends

"I prefer this a lot more than the movies" He said quietly, not sure if I was asleep

"Me too" I whispered before falling asleep

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