28. Oujia

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thanks to @princessprion for the idea

Elena's POV

So we're at Suicide Bridge.

I'm not even going to explain what it is, it's self explanatory

So, Sam and Colby are back with us and they brought some guy

Apparently Heath and Elton know him so it's not a problem but I've never seen him before

I think his name is like Colton or something

"So we've stepped things up a bit" Elton said, facing the camera, pretending like everything was okay for the sake of the video

He doesn't really seem like he's mad at Heath anymore

Only me, yay

"We should step it down" Heath laughed

"Let's just go" Sam said

We walked towards where they were gonna play with the board

"Let's just go to the bottom. No one plays with a Oujia board in the light" I said

"I'm throwing you off this bridge" Sam laughed

Elton recorded the part, saying that we were going to the bottom of the bridge and we went

We were walking down the bridge and Heath grabbed my hand

Elton coughed, not even two seconds after our hands touched

Oh shit, he was recording

Oh well

"I think we just came out" Heath laughed

We just kept our hands intertwined

We made it to the bottom of the bridge and everyone sat in a circle. I sat behind the camera since I'm never in the videos

They played it for a couple of minutes before Sam spoke up

"This isn't gonna work. We need Elena to help"

"Um, don't say my name. The camera is around" I said 

"Just for this one video?" Heath asked

Of course Heath asked. He only did that because he knew I wouldn't say no

I joined in, sitting in between Elton and Heath

I put two of my fingers on the board, like everyone else was doing and then Colby started asking questions

That Chris guy was no where in sight, he's scared of this thing

Nothing happened for, what felt like 5 minutes

Then suddenly the board shifted

I jumped and screeched

I leaned to my right, which was the side Elton was on, and I buried my head into his chest

I expected him to push me off, but he put his arm around me, comforting me

I didn't expect that

I guess we're good now

That's how we stayed for the rest of the game, Elton stopped played when I did and we just sat there watching everyone

Nothing else happened with the board, but Elton just happened to look up and saw someone looking down at us from the bridge

"Let's go" Sam said, getting up and running away

elton's sister // h.hUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum