Part 6.5 - The Problem

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Porky was staring at the house, looking worried. He was howling, but he sounded like he was feigning sadness. A firetruck came round the corner of my road, followed by a police car. That police car was followed by an ambulance.
"Porky, come here." I whisper-shouted.
He was still looking back at the house. Now he was getting mad. A cop got out of his car.
The Random Cop's P.O.V

There he is. There is bait. I got up with Joey, my friend, and slowly snuck up against the dragon.
"Drag..oo..nn." Joey said, holding the flame retardant blanket.
"We aren't going to hurt you." I said
Joey's P.O.V

It attacked him. I had nothing to do, so I threw the flame retarded blanket over the dragon, and threw him into the back of our car. We drove ofd, followed by the firetruck, followed by the ambulance, with 0 survivors
Megan's P.O.V

"PORKY!!" I shouted, but the car drove off. It's too late now.
"Oh, I get it." Joe said. "He wasn't feigning the sorrow, he was sad due to the FireBird Dragon dying in the tsunami. The FireBird was a child of Porky and Sandy."...

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 27, 2016 ⏰

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