



And some more.

She stumbled out of the kitchen.

"Hey!!! Anybody here??" She shouted, reaching the living room.

"Harold!!" She yelled, falling on a sofa. The bottle was still in her hand.

And then someone came beside her.


She turned her head to look at the person. Harry sat their, worry written all over his face. "Harold!" She clapped her hands with the bottle still in her grasp. Harry's eyes averted from her face to her hands which held the bottle.

"Damn it!" He said as he tried to free her hands from the bottle. "Veronica, give it to me." He tried keep his tone smooth and calm. And he snatched the bottle from her grip.

"Noo!" She whined. She moved forward when Harry raised his hand to take it out of her reach. She sat on the sofa, on her knees to meet his hand. "Give me that!" She cried waving her hands in the air to get the bottle. And suddenly she came so close and lost her balance, falling on the top of him. The bottle fell from his hand on the floor and a loud cracking noise echoed.

The boys and girls down at the pool had music on so they couldn't hear them.

She stared at his rough, tough and beautiful face.

"Veronica." He breathed shocked of the position they were in. She blinked a lot of times as if she was trying to believe what she was seeing. "Harold." She whispered. Harry took her arms in his hands and sat up straight with her. She stands up as soon as they are out of that position.

"Let me take you home." He took her hand in hers and tugged at it.

"I don't wanna go! I want to stay with you!" Harry stared at her for few seconds.

"Veronica you have to go and sleep. You're wasted." He said in a calm voice.

"I'm wasted?" She said as if she was comprehending what he meant. "I'm a waste? Yes you are right. I'm a waste. No one loves me." She cried resting her head on his shoulder. Harry huffed in annoyance and anger.

"Okay okay. Let's go in your room." He pulled her away and looked at her face which had no tear. She was just whining. Harry sighed in relief when she started walking ahead of him. She stumbled, opening her arms wide and talking one step after another in a clumsy way, as if she was on the border of a wall or something.

"Twinkle twinkle li'le(little) star." She sang. Harry smacked his palm on his forehead. "How I wonder whayouae(what you are)." Harry walked behind her, extending his arm to help her anytime she was about to fall. "Up above the worrrld so hiigh, liikkee a diamond inn the skkkkyyyy!" Harry opened the door of her room.

"Nohere!(not here)" She said in a screeching voice.

"Then where?" He ran a hand through hia hair in annoyance and anger.

He heard her giggle. He looked up at her. "Yoy are avoravle.( you are adorable)." She slurred, staring at his face. "I wanna go to your room."


"Please Harold..." Harry huffed at her nickname and how difficult she was being, batting her eyelashes and pouting. He took her to his room. He, somehow made her sit on his bed.

"Stay here. I'll be back." He pointed his index finger at her. She lied on the bed, staring at the ceiling, whispering, "Kiss me like you wanna be loved."

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