Everything went black.

"(Y/N), (Y/N) wake up love!" You woke up and saw Charles in front of you with blood dripping down the side of his head, "C-Charles you're hurt!" He reached for your belt as you were upside down, "That doesn't matter at the moment love, be careful." He unbuckled your belt and you pushed yourself onto your feet, "Wheres Shaw?" He shook his head, "I don't know but we will find him I promise, he is somewhere in the sub, somewhere I can't reach." "I can get to him." Charles immediately shook his head and replied "No Shaw is dangerous, he could kill you. Erik is going to do it. He needs peace." "I'm just as dangerous as Shaw, no one wants to get on my bad side Charles." He chuckled and responded, "I won't let you go (Y/N), you and Raven will stay inside the plane where it's safe." Charles knew you were stubborn but you had a plan, before Charles could start talking again you quickly kissed him with such passion and love, he kissed back with just as much love but dominance. You whispered "Sorry." to him before holding your breath, resulting in you disappearing. 

Whilst holding your breath you ran towards the sub with Charles in your head saying "(Y/N) come back! You don't know what you're doing, Shaw is a dangerous man and will kill you as soon as he sees you let Erik do this!" You ignored him and carried on running towards the submarine, but you had to breath eventually. As soon as you breathed out and reappeared, you were tackled to the floor by Hank, "Hank get off of me! I won't let anyone die today." You screamed, "No let Erik do this." You gave in and pushed Hank off of you and stood up, "Get back into the jet now (Y/N)!" Charles shouted, "I'm perfectly capable of handling Shaw!" "I never said that you weren't!" You stood with Raven as Shaw's little mutant army came into view, you looked over to Charles and quietened your voice. "Do what you need to do Charles, but I will be fighting. No need to worry about me." 

Erik ran into the sub with Charles guiding him and you walking towards the tornado swirling mutant, he ran towards you too. He flicked you out of the way with a little tornado but you got up off of the sand and kicked him in the face, "Thanks to you I no longer like flying you dickhead!" He smirked and punched you in the nose causing it to bleed, in return you punched him in the groin making him bend over a little. Somehow your knee found its way to his face as it flew him backwards. You held your breath suddenly and saw that he couldn't see you when he stood up, "Where did you go you little bitch?" You walked behind him then reappeared before kicking him in the back making him collapse, "Can a little bitch do that?" You ran towards the sub following Erik.

The sub had to have been expensive, there was a tv, a bar full of liquor and according to Charles a secret room. "He's not here Charles!" Erik shouted in the air, him and Charles were probably communicating by mind. "I'm telling you Charles, Shaw is not here." Erik saw a small button in a box and pressed it, revealing Sebastian Shaw in a metal helmet in a blue room. Erik joined Shaw in the small room with the door shutting behind him, "No!" You shouted. Charles' voice echoed in your head "(Y/N) this is Erik's fight, not yours. Come back outside my dear." You replied "Charles I made a promise that no one will die today, no matter what. Erik going in there will be sure to end in death." "Death for Shaw, yes. But (Y/N) you made a promise to me first, that you won't leave my side today." You sat on the white couch and continued to talk to Charles "I love you Charles, but Erik is going to need some help in there. I will come back." You stood up and walked towards the button and gently pressed it, the door opened and revealed Erik fighting with Sebastian Shaw. They stopped and stared at you, "Excuse me doll but you have the wrong sub." Shaw said, "Oh believe me I have the right one." You walked in with Charles in our head shouting 'no!' until the room blocked him out, "2v1? This hardly seems fair especially since I'm more powerful." Shaw stated, you and Erik looked at each other then at Shaw. You punched Shaw then kicked him in the stomach, Erik sent him flying into the wall smashing the glass. Shaw punched you and tripped you up, him and Erik were throwing punches before he threw Erik into the wall again. Erik used his mutation to take Shaw's helmet off his head and just as he went to grab it, he froze. Charles had gotten in. You watched as Erik counted to three before slowly moving a coin through Shaw's forehead and fall through the other side, Erik held out his hand for you but you were unsure to grab it or not. So you got up yourself. 

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