Chapter Eight:

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You didn't wake up in your bed, this time you woke up on the couch in Charles' library and in Charles' arms. That day was the day of reckoning, the day a nuclear war between the USA and Russia would either start or end before it even begins. It was seven of you against an energy absorbing ex-nazi, a stripper who can fly and shoot little fireballs and a teleporting demon man. Mutants Vs Mutants who are against humans. There were so many questions running through your head, many of them could not be answered but others could be predicted. You sat up trying hard not to wake the peaceful sleeping Xavier next to you he stirred a little bit but you soon stood up and looked down at him. 

In your eyes, Charles was truly a gift to the world. To have someone very passionate about saving not only his own kind, but others too is quite stunning. You looked at his features as he slept soundly, his longish brown hair fell onto his handsome face and it made you smile, knowing that you were in love with who could be the kindest man in the world. Or to ever exist. You walked over to the large window and stared out into the horizon as the sun was rising, everything was beautiful. Whilst you were admiring the morning, a thought came across your mind.

The thought was that maybe if you and the team succeeded in defeating Shaw and all live, then perhaps you and Charles could go and see the world! Visit historic landmarks and amazing cities or towns. See mount Vesuvius and Pompeii, take a tour around London and hop aboard the London eye. All the things you could do and the things you would see, your thinking time was cut short when you heard Charles mumbling. You turned around and saw him squirming on the sofa as if he was in pain, you walked up to him and put your hand on his shoulder then whispered, "Charles? Charles wake up." Charles kept on squirming and mumbling "N-no, ERIK!" He started to shout and you soon noticed that he was starting to cry, unsure of what to do you shook his shoulder and said "Wake up Charles! Wake up!!" He woke up with tears streaming down his face and was breathing uneasily, immediately Charles engulfed you in a bone-crushing hug bringing you down with him onto the couch. "Charles what happened?" "I h-had an unpleasant nightmare, but no need to fuss. It happens most of the time love." 

The both of you lied there for a moment, calming down after what had just occurred. "So what was it about Charles?" "That the end was near and I wasn't strong enough to save you from a catastrophic robot that targeted mutants, you had died and Erik was controlling them as we tried to fight against him. It was too overwhelming." You could feel his sorrow and that the nightmare must have been very graphic, so you gave him a kiss and replied "No one can get rid of me that easily Charles, I always find a way back. Always." The next four minutes or so was just you and Charles, until you got back up and said "Come on Charles, we have a war to stop." Both of you headed out of the library to get ready.

You decided to go and see Hank in his lab, you and Hank may have not talked much, but this could be the last day of anyones life so you thought a good talk and friendship bond was best. The lab wasn't empty, well Hank wasn't there but everything had been turned upside down. The entire place was wrecked, all of his hard-work destroyed in a car-crash like state. In front of you was a large metal crate with a yellow sticky note sitting on the top of the lid, you picked it up and read it out loud 'Gone to airbase, bring crate marked X'. Confused and worried you put the note down and ran to find everyone.

"Raven! Erik! Charles! Hank is gone!" You ran through the house in a frantic panic shouting for anyone but no one answered. You shouted more and more throughout the house until your throat was hurting, you gave up and decided to just walk around. Havoc bumped into you then said "woah (Y/N) what's up?" "It's Hank he's gone, his lab is trashed and-" You were so glad that you had found someone Havoc put his hands on your shoulders and replied "Calm down you're talking way too fast, right what's up?" You breathed and answered him "Hank's lab has been trashed and he's gone, he left a note on a crate but that's all." "Did it say where he's gone?" "To the airbase but why trash his lab?" You shrugged and grabbed onto his wrist taking you to Hank's lab, "He cared so much for his experiments, Hank just wouldn't destroy it all. Would he?" 

"Hank's not like that, he's fast but scrawny he couldn't have done all this." Havoc and you decided to look into the crate that was marked with a black X in duct tape, you were greeted with all sorts of equipment and outfits. "Okay yellow is not my colour but Hank did a good job." You laughed at Havoc's comment making him smirk, Charles, Erik, Raven and Banshee walked into the lab. Charles put his arm around your waist and kissed your cheek making you blush, "What's going on here?" Erik said to which you replied "Hank has gone to the airbase and also made us some outfits, they're actually quite cool." You picked up the one with Erik's name on and threw it at him, handing everyone else theirs. 

You all went to your rooms to change, it had to be quick. You felt that it was a bit too tight around certain areas but as long as it gave you protection and such, around the waist was a belt which held your weapon of choice and for your shoes were black boots. The entire thing was yellow and black. On the belt buckle was a silver circle with a large 'X' on the inside this made you think, 'A team needs a name right? Hank probably already named it though.' You put on some black fingerless leather gloves and put your hair into a (side plait/a bun/kept it down).

Everyone was waiting for you near the now open front doors, all in their uniforms in a formation. You had promised Charles that you wouldn't leave his side, little did he know or did anyone else know, you had also made a promise to yourself. And that was not to let anybody die today, not to let anyone get hurt today. It was the ultimate promise, you had just got a family and you wasn't going to let it go anytime soon. You all exchanged looks with each other then Charles held your hand, giving you a comforting smile. 

Before you left the house to head to the airbase you said one sentence, one that everyone will remember you for: 

"Let's go and kick some evil ass."

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