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I tried my best pushing the thought aside reminding myself or let's say lying to myself he is just Uncle Jeff he isn't your father he is just some guy --"LUKE! ",Austin waved his hands in front of my face as I was snapped out I like this guy despite he should be my step brother..LUKE stop
I smiled at him as he continued with his story of him bullying a girl which then happened to be her ex...strange guy he is
"Luke!Aus!Hazz!Jay! Foods ready!",Anne called as we got up the Styles family which is a food fan rushed to dining area while I walked slowly passing through the common and then ....
"Robin, you know we planned to marry our children!",Uncle Jeff said "yeah,I remember Jeff..Gemma will surely be marrying Shawn you can even tell they both like each other",Robin said "you aren't understanding! I meant Austin with Bella ! How come she and that boy Luke? ",That was enough my world started spinning suddenly my love was a question mark in front of my eyes sometimes life asks you for more sacrifices than you can give ..I sacrificed my mom..My family...but. ..but...Bella! "Look Jeff,you don't even know Luke,to can't judge him in matter of some hours ..I've known him much longer he is like a family member to us...I've seen him growing up..I know he has a good family background and -",
"Robin,sometimes it isn't what you do you know his family background? We're you there when he was bored?  Anyway, it's it's a long way to Bella wedding time...we'll see",Uncle Jeff said standing up I rushed out to the dining area where Bella was talking to Austin,no,no I won't let him have her! My head started spinning as I made my way towards exit ignoring bellas voice calling out...
My world collapsed ,Darkness clouded my happy sunshine life ,my precious thing is about to be stolen again....
They say if you love someone let go but...
What if you're even afraid of risking it
What if you're afraid they're really not meant to be yours
What if that person is not the one
What if you really can't imagine loosing yourself
What if...."hey fella!wandering alone yeah?what?Your dad is back",I heard a hoarse voice .I turned around and Brandon was standing
Confusion made its way around
Why is he here
How did he know Jeff is my dad
Who is he
Did Bella lied
"Get away",I muttered and started walking away but he pulled me back
"Luke,you know your dad ruined your mom's life left you alone left your mom alone and married another women even though his first priority should be you but no,he doesn't care luke,this guy is a very very bad guy,I always wanted him to be dead..I wanted Jeffrey Styles death,-"
"But,You hate Justin you wanted him--". I began but was cut in
"Hahaha! Who told you that? Bella? She doesn't know either!Justin and Styles are lying! He ruined me by stealing my money and then after I came across that he got married and settled in Sydney by help of those money....since then all I want is a revenge ,he ruined me and he ruined your mom too luke, maybe we both can take him down with Alliance",he finished and my mind clouded with consequences
What if Austin did marry Bella!
What if  Jeff ruin me again
What if my mom does not get justified
What if  I regret not killing him my whole life
Brandon came like an Angel to me
"You're right Brandon,let's get over with him",I shook his hand

REVEALED  sequel to :He was right [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora