Bright daylight flooded into the open space, creating a bath of sunshine to reflect off of the marble and send shimmering specks to cling to the walls.

If the Fates hadn't set me such a time-consuming task, then I probably would spend all of my time in here, cooking, baking - anything.

Unfortunately, despite feeling utterly lazy today, I had to visit Lucifer at one point. I didn't want to know what would happen if I upset the Fates. They had shown no mercy to the Angels who had tried before me. I wouldn't be any different.

Pouring myself a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, I took my drink into the courtyard and found comfort on one of the garden sofas. It was quiet, the only sound available was the gentle swoosh of light wind through the plants and the slosh of my drink as I shifted in my seat to get comfortable. It was nice, to spend moments alone, basking in the dappling sunlight. 

I had never been out to the courtyard before. It was set out in the shape of a square with stone tiles and wooden beams running across the perimeter. Chunky, wicker chairs situated along two sides of the space, with the centre clear. A few potted leafy plants dotted around the corners but apart from those. The courtyard was limited in decoration. However, it was one of the aspects that I admired about the Light Paradox. Space was never cluttered. Each room that I had visited was minimal in design yet still managed to look effortlessly stylish.

And on top of that, the view received of the garden from the courtyard was mesmerising. Groves of thick-leaved green trees ran along the underside of the garden, forming a makeshift maze. Colourful flowers bloomed, peaking out from the shrubs and from where I was sitting, I could make out a few pine benches.

Whoever had spent time designing this beautiful garden deserved a medal. It was like utopia out there.

Only magical moments like these had to come to a standstill at some point. For me, it was just as I swallowed the last sip of orange juice. The beeping started. It was constant, continuing beeping in my ears that wouldn't go away. It had briefly stopped yesterday when I was with Lucifer but the second I came back up to the Light Paradox - it returned.

It drained my energy. And sleep hadn't helped at all. If anything, I was still tired.

Maybe it was one of the side effects from when the Fates moved me from wherever they found me before?

Par from the four hours of continuous beeping, my morning passed blissfully. But, by the time I had walked through the portal, the heavy thumping had begun its abuse against my skull. Thankfully the dreaded beeping had ceased but in return, left a parting headache in its wake. I did debate whether or not I should skip today's visit with Lucifer but would the Fate's allow that?

Probably not.

Now that I think about it, the Underworld was extremely noisy when I walked through. I didn't notice at first due to the drum set performing in my head still voice-breaking screams could be heard alongside the constant cry for mercy.

I looked around for Lucifer, but he wasn't in view. I already knew where he was - the open double doors at the end of the passageway provided a hint. He was in there.

I sank to the floor, my body crumbling into a pile of folded bones. My sweaty palms pressed harshly against the shells of my ears as I wasn't able to listen any longer. It was awful - the sound and the screaming didn't stop. They only got louder and louder in volume each time. Beads of tears slipped from my eyes as I contrasted the screams by weeping silently. I didn't want to imagine what he was doing in there however my mind had already painted a detailed image. I felt contrasted, helpless. This was Lucifer's job as the Devil, to punish those who had sinned and yet I felt the bile rise in my throat from the acts of an unforgivable man.

Like someone had flicked the mute button, the screaming ceased. Silence rang in my ears from the aftermath; I was left traumatized, unable to move. Quivering with such powerful shakes, I let my hands fall to my sides. The shaking beyond my control.  I rocked myself back and forth to the beat of my pumping heart and felt the muscle drop when the click of an Italien leather sole hit the ground. He was coming.


I couldn't bear to see him, not after what I had just heard- so without thinking twice, I pulled my weary self from the dusty floor and bolted through the portal. Not sparing a retreating look in case I met the eyes of the Devil.

I couldn't see him today. The Fates would have to deal with that later only, for now, I couldn't even stop the tears from falling. It was something I couldn't help. We contrast each other so greatly that hearing those bloodcurdling screams made me want to vomit. I released a wailing cry and faceplanted into one of the cushions sitting on the cream sofa.

Was he even sorry? Did he feel any remorse for the souls he tortured?

I felt like an idiot. I had almost forgotten the man the Fates had asked me to fall in love with was the Devil. He was not like me. He didn't think angelically, keeping the best interest in mind. He thought mathematically - if you had sinned, you were punished. No ifs, ands, or buts. How foolish was I to think this destiny would be achievable? For how could the Fates expect me to fall in love with a man who did not have a heart?


until next time my angels,


Edited: 19/06/18

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