Chapter 67- Battle

Start from the beginning

I threw him into the blazing fire and then searched around to see if anyone needed any help. I looked over to my Bella and Ness they were protecting Amelia and Max. Max didn't do anything he just watched and felt absolutely helpless but reminding himself that Amelia wanted him there.

"Edward, help?" Damien asked. He had one of the not so important memeber of the Volturi against him. I nodded and went over to help him. Together we fought him and soon demolished him.

***Jasper's POV***

I felt the same pressure from decades ago from when I was with the south. But this time I wasn't only fighting for myself I was fighting for My wife in particular and my family. I had help too so I didn't have the emptiness inside of me. I fought vampires but kept Alice close behind me. It was harder to keep her safe but it I needed to plus I had help from Amelia.

I fought and then the other vampire had the upper hand I tried my best and I couldn't keep my trust entirely on Amelia she probably be helping something else. He but into my throat and Alice cut in and threw him into the trees. The vemon didn't hurt much because it was barely a bite.

"I'm so sorry Uncle Jazz! I had to help Eleazer! I didn't know!" Amelia said. I nodded. I felt indebt to her she was trying hard to keep us safe which was good because usually it was everyone for themself.

"It's alright! It doesn't hurt much!" I called back.


It had been a while since we had been fighting. It wasn't exaclty a quick thing. Very few of our side was hurt and most of the Volturi were dead. The thing was we couldn't demolish all of them they were the people who enforced the laws and it had to keep that way. We had to keep Aro and probably Caius too.

***Amelia's POV***

I started to feel drained and it was really hard to concentrate but I still had to carry on. Max countlessly asked if I wanted to stop but I refused I had to help still. This was all my doing so I am going to get them all out of this.

"Amelia you need to stop." Max pleaded from my side.

"How many times do I need to tell you that I need to protect everyone." I said. i began to feel light-headed but ingored the feeling. I couldn't surrender to the darkness.

"Amelia! Look out!" I wasn't concentrating properly but I wasn't protected from one side. I then felt lunged to the ground as Max shouted the words. He tried to stop it from happening but it all happened all too fast.

I shrieked at the agonising pain and wanted to escape it I didn't have the energy to safe myself so I couldn't I saw vaguely Max was starting to fight but he didn't know how he was acting all on instinct which wasn't helping. I felt teeth at my throat and before they could bite they were gone. I opened my eyes a little more to see what was going on My dad had taken him off of him and Jasper and him wth tearing him apart. It took the both of them because it was Felix he had exceptional speed and strength but that still wasn't so much compared to me.

"Amelia are you alright?" Max pleaded I saw blood trickling down his face and put my hand delicately on it.

"Max why did you go in the way?" I asked.

"I would get myself killed to keep you safe. Are you alright?" He said. I felt tears fill my eyes. Even at a time like this he is sweet.

"Yeah I am you need to get that checked Max..." My speech was beginning to get slurred and there were black spots in my sight.

"Amelia! Don't you dare close you eyes! Keep them open for me!" he begged. I smiled slightly.

"Stop worring about me and I want to sleep!" I whined. I really wanted to sleep the drowsiness was over taking me.

"Amelia please don't. I love you!" He pleaded. I smiled at his words. I could never get tired of hearing those words.

"Oh just zip it. And I love you too." I said and with that I closed my eyes.

***Max's POV***

"Oh just zip it. And I love you too." she told me and then closed her eyes. I smiled at her I love it when she tells me she loves me I then shook her gently and she didn't respond. I started to panic. She had blood across her face and her hair and loojed completely drained but still managed to look like an angel. I pulled her into my arms and look like the most beautiful thing in the universe. The people carried on fighting and I just watched. I felt so guilty for not being quick enough she wouldn't have been hurt. This is my fault.

"Max you need to take her away." Aunt Bella said to me.

"How? Where?" I asked. I knew how but wouldn't people be curious or suspicious to why we have blood on us and she is unconscious.

You know what? I don't care. I need to keep her safe and I don't care what people might think.

"Back to the hotel." She said. I thought for a second. I needed to do that.

"Okay but I need the key." I said.

"I'll come with you." My Mum said. She had done medical school so she- Amelia will be okay. I picked her up and with my Mum I left the clearing dying to see Amelia's eyes open again.

***Carlisle's POV***

"Aro there is no point fighting you have lost." I said calmly. He straightened up from his stance as I did.

"What makes say that? One member of your family could attack." he said.

"Not necessarily we fought because war was called upon us. If you surrender we shall stop." I reasoned. He thought for a minute.

"If we surrender then what?" He said.

"We keep to ourselves. Aro, this needs to end. We need law for our kind so you need to enforce them whatever happens from now on can be truce. We would have to follow the rules or a consequence otherwise people do not need to make rash decisions." I said calmly but persuasively. He again thought for a minute.

"Okay a truce shall be called upon. It is great that we shall be friends again." He replied. He gave out his hand for me to shake. I shook it knowing that my thoughts would go to him. It didn't entirely matter. It was just good now to be a peace.

"I agree. I would stay but Amelia is injured so I need to go and check her. Best regards Aro." I said.

"Best regards to you and your family." He said. I nodded and then went to the rest of the family who had stopped fighting and stood together.

"It would have felt good to kick his a$$." Emmett said. I smiled discreetly.

"It is now too late we have called a truce but now we must go to Amelia." I said.

"Yes I feel so bad for her she helped protect all of us with little exceptions but she helped alot." Reneesme said.

"I agree the girl has had a tough day. And now she shall have her happiness." Eleazer said. Everyone agreed and we all left to go back to the hotel.


Okay so I apologise for the size of the chapter I found it hard to write the violence just imagine an epic fight with Amelia controlling everything and then getting hurt. I'm sorry about the constant POV change just that I felt it would be better in more than one person's eyes.

Okay! So I updated! Yay! So what do you think over all and sorry Aro wasn't killed he deserves to die but couldn't.

NEXT UPLOAD: Hopefully Thursday! I can't believe that there are only two chapters left! I love you all and thank you for keeping up with me!



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