The Hudson House

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Chapter 1
Rachels pov:
"Okay everyone time to get up!" I yelled knocking on my three wonderful kids door.

"Goodmorning mama." My daughter Annie said.

"Good morning Anniecat." I said .

"Morning mommy." My son Finn said.

"Morning Finny ." I said.

I walked into my youngest baby Tobys room and he was standing in his crib.

"Morning Toby." I said and gave him a kiss.

"Mom! Mia's hogging the bathroom!" Annie said.

I sighed and picked him up.

"Mia! Get out of the bathroom there are other people in this house besides you!" I yelled .

"Leave me alone!" She yelled.

I sighed and looked at the other kids,

"You know what go get ready in mommy and daddys room okay." I said and walked back into Tobys room to get him dress.

(5 minutes later)
"Mia you have 15 minutes to get yourself ready and down here to eat breakfast!" I yelled from down stairs.

"And with that goodmorning to you." My husband Finn said as he came down stairs in his suit and tie.

I smiled and gave him a kiss.

"Goodmorning , please take the baby , I have to go get dress , Toby needs to be fed and I have to leave for the studio soon and get the kids on the bus." I said.

"Don't worry I got this, I get the kids on the bus, feed Toby and you can go get a shower and get dressed." He told me.

I smiled and said,

"I love you." And went upstairs.

"Mia come on!" I yelled .

Suddenly the door opened and my 17 year old daughter appeared ,

"I'm out gosh!" She said moody.

"Thank you." I said sarcastically and went to get a shower.

(10 minutes later )
I was dressed and my hair was still somewhat wet from the shower as usal.

"Okay everyone lets go!" Finn said .

We rushed everyone out the door and Finn drove them down to the bus stop except Mia who drove to school with Finn .
"Okay , so Anniecat has dance after school, Finny has football practice , and Toby will be at daycare till 5 and your mom is going to pick him and the kids up so you just have to drop Anniecat and Finny off okay?" I asked Finn.

"What about Mia?" He asked me.

"She has cheer practice and will be going home with Tiffany." I told him.

"Okay sounds good, I love you." Finn said.

"I love you too." I said and I was about to kiss him when Mia honked the horn.

"Bye." He said and ran off.

I was about to leave when suddenly I remember,

"Sorry Toby." I said picking him up from his highchair and left. Yup just a normal day at the Hudson household. My name is Rachel Berry Hudson and I have four amazing kids Mia , my oldest, Annie whos eight, Finn Jr. whos five, and Toby who's one. Four kids can be rough but luckily I have my amazing husband Finn to be there.

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