Chapter 12

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So there I was, sitting with a stranger, drinking tea.

"Do you want any sugar or milk?" Sky's father asked.

"Sugar please." I looked around. Family photos were everywhere. I even spotted some photos of Sky's mother. She was gorgeous. She had the same dirty blonde hair, with brown eyes. Sky was sitting on her lap. She smiled proudly. There was also a little girl on a family photo. She didn't look like Sky at all, except those crystal blue eyes.

"Here you go."

I looked up. Sky's father was holding a plate.

"Oh how embarrassing. I forgot to ask what your name is." ashamed I looked at my dirty converse shoes.

"Willliam. But call me Will."

I nodded and took a sip of my tea.

"Ouch" I said, as I burnt my tongue. That was embarrassing. I felt my cheeks burning and immediately put the cup down

Will chuckled. "Try this." he made circular motions above the cup. He took a sip from his tea.

"Clockwise?" I did the same. And slowly I took a sip. It was the perfect temperature.

"Amazing." I muttered.

"I'll tell you something amazing. Your mother was a Fire. She was best friends with Antoine." unlike elder Michael he didn't spat out his name, like it was a dirty word.

"Their thoughts on the world were different. A lot of Fires turned to the dark side, while your mother was clean. So was her family. They banned the evil centuries ago."

That was a nice thing to hear. That your real mother was BFF's with some Dark Lord who wanted to take over the world. Well atleast she wasn't evil.

"At school, she met Christian. He was my best friend." he paused.

"And your father."

"Your father was a Water. He was such a nice man and such a powerful Water. Everyone thought that you'd become a Fire, but no. You're a water. You sure don't look like one. Most Waters have blue eyes."

Stereotyping aren't we? I thought.

"Wait... I'm a water?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. Everyone who can control the element of Poseidon is a water."

"But that means I'm an Earth too?" I asked questionly.

"Say that again?" he looked slightly confused.

"You know. I can control earth too. And other things. Like..." I looked around the room and took my hand out. The plate of biscuits slowly moved towards my hand and with a soft thump it landed in my handpalms.

"How on earth...?" he asked questionly.

There was a loud knock on the door.

"Will! We're here!" I heard Finn's familiar voice. Will was about to stand up and open the door.

"Let me open it." I smiled and concentrated on the door. I heard a loud click and Finn and Sky walked to the living room.

"How'd you do that Dad? I told you, don't put water in the door. I know that you're lazy sometimes and trust the neighbourhood. But it isn't safe." Sky said, still looking pale. But a lot better than a couple of hours ago. Then he spotted me.

"Elurra! How'd you get here?"

"Got lucky and bumped into your dad." I shrugged and smiled.

"She's unbelievable. I didn't open the door. She did." Will answered.

"I see your clothes are still dirty." Finn grinned. I grinned also, remembering our little mud fight. Finn's clothes were new, no blood stains or mud or anything.

"Someone explain this?" Sky looked confused.

I looked around and saw a pillow. Still grinning I pulled the pillow with my mind with a huge force.

"Catch." I said simply and the pillow went flying towards Sky.

"What the?!" he dodged it.

I smiled again. This time the cup shaked. Sky looked at it. The tea spun in my hands in a ball. It started to bend in different shapes. I looked at it confused. It was supposed to be spinning.

"Water." Sky hinted. And this time it was he who chuckled.

With all my force I threw it towards him. He stopped it with one hand and gave me a 'seriously?' look. I dropped my hands and felt a bit embarrassed, but immediately recovered. Sky tossed the tea back in the cup.

"If I threw the metal plate towards you, you wouldn't be able to stop it." I muttered under breath.

"Yeah, but you would never..."

"Hey you!" a girl's voice shrieked. I turned around suprised.

"Luna?" Finn asked also suprised.

"Who else?" a girl stood in the doorway, her arms were crossed.

"Holding a Star meeting aren't ya?" her grey eyes were blazing.

"No we're not! We were just..." Finn looked hopeless.

"Thought you might invite me too you know." she ignored Finn and walked towards us.

"You want some tea Luna?" Will asked casually as he poured another cup.

"Yes please!" she flashed a white smile.

"Luna how'd you get here?" Sky asked as he sat down.

"I've got my ways." she grinned and sat down.

"I can even enter Hell if I want. Man this couch is so comfy." she said it like it was nothin. I wondered if it was true, but Finn and Sky looked also shocked.

"No way!" Finn said unbelievable.

"You got in Hades' palace?" Sky asked shocked.

Luna just nodded and took a bite of her biscuit.

"Maybe we can get Demitri out." I said. Everybody looked at me. I couldn't figure out their expressions. Luna looked like she was choking on her biscuit.

"You know, we need him for the dreamcatcher." I said fast. Maybe I didn't know enough about this world.

"She's right, but doesn't it influence the dreamcatcher? He has turned to the dark." Sky said thoughtful. I smiled at him, relieved that my suggestion wasn't bad at all.

"We can purify it." Luna gave Sky a 'duh' look.

Sky raised his eyebrow.

"You seriously sleep during classes?! C'mon! Chapter 19 of Healing Potions, how to purify."

Sky blushed and scratched the back of his head.

"I take that as a no." Luna said simply. She took a book out of her bag and muttered something. The book flew open on the correct page.

"Here it says: When an object has come in contact with dark magick, purify it. Beware that some dark Magick may overpower you."

"I don't get the last sentence." I said confused.

"Well. In those objects their is a part of the person's in it. This energy is part of your soul. If the dark power is too great, it will drain you out. So they'll have more and more power. Sometimes they even conquer your body. It's the most cruel thing to do. Nobody can live without their element. It's like a nightmare you can't escape from."


Hellooo :)

There's still no snow here, bleeeh :(

I love snow. It's so pure and white, just like Snow the unicorn hehe :D

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