Three: Fragile

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I woke up feeling like I couldn't get out of bed. It was as if something was holding me down by my throat, it's nails digging into my hard cold flesh.

I squeezed my eyes closed tightly for a moment just trying to breath, that didn't help.

The first scent to reach my nose was her warm blood. It smelled intoxicating, I quickly forced myself up.

I didn't want to frighten her. She was resting so peacefully, I had to get out of the room.

I didn't bother getting dressed first, I quickly traveled down the stairs and went to the fridge pulling out a bag filled with dark, red blood.

I took no time to sink my teeth into it quickly falling to the ground, it was a violent reaction. I couldn't stop myself from growling and once I was finished I was shocked, blood was all over my hands, my pajamas, my face.

"I'm guessing that you didn't feed on her?" I heard Edward's voice. Lana's sister stood behind him in the entrance. She had lighter hair than Lana and it didn't fall into curls it was straight and thin.

"She was scared hearing you all, I didn't want to make things worse." I explained feeling ashamed.

The girl behind him, she looked so relieved. Her face filled with a bit more color now and she gave me a small smile almost to say 'thank you'.

"They aren't staying here for comfort. They aren't even expected to live long while they are here. There is no need to have sympathy." Edward said.

He looked at Lana's sister and her eyes dropped quickly. It wasn't in a way that was shy or because she was afraid. It looked like she knew better. Like she wasn't supposed to look at me anyways.

I didn't like his ways, he was taking this a bit too far. She wasn't here to be his sex slave. She was here for her blood.

I had heard of many stories where blood slaves would simply come to let their vampires feed then they would go to their homes and continue on with normal lives.

I suppose that it didn't all happen at once but that sounded very nice to me. "Where is mum?" I asked him throwing the blood bag into the trash and letting the lid fall to a close.

"Took her human to get something to eat. Don't worry they are bringing food for the girls." Edward said wrapping and arm around the girl and placing a slow kiss on her neck making her blush and look uncomfortable all at the same time.

I felt uncomfortable just standing and watching the gesture. I walked passed the two of them and went upstairs to clean up.

I went into the bathroom to clean up, there was bit of washing at the beginning but soon bathing turned into watching watered down blood flow down the drain.

I sighed getting out and drying myself off before getting dressed. When I came out she was awake sitting up on my bed staring at me with large sleepy eyes.

"You weren't here when I woke up." She commented, stating the obvious.

"I'm sorry. I went to shower." I said. Her eyes moved to something that weren't mine, she was looking at everything that I had touch with small blood prints on them.

The doorknobs, the dresser drawers, there were a few drops on the carpet that wouldn't be too hard to get out if I was soon to get to it.

"Oh." She said chewing on her bottom lip. I suddenly became defensive of myself.

"I do happen to be a vampire. I can't starve myself because you don't find it appetizing." I snapped at her making her get up. I sighed softly. "I upset you." I said, it sounded more like a question.

"I want to find my dad." She explained to me.

"He isn't home. He went with my mom to get food, for all of you." I said to her running my fingers through my hair.

She didn't seem to know what to say, it was as if she wanted an excuse to leave but I had shot it down. She didn't need permission to leave the room, I wasn't going to treat her like my brother does his blood slave.

"What is your sisters name?" I asked her, wanted to call her anything else rather than blood slave.

"Angela." She said simply. "My fathers name is Ryan." She said also.

"Right." I said slipping my feet into my comfortable, reliable boots.

"Harry, what are you still doing here you are going to be late. Why aren't the two of you dressed?" Asked my mother suddenly coming into the room, I guess she made it home.

"I was getting ready mum." I pressed with a sigh.

"The two of us?" Lana suddenly asked confused.

"You two have to go to school. Harry I told you to explain everything to her when she or here." My mother said. "I want to see you both coming down the stairs in 15 minutes ready to leave." She said before leaving the room.

"You heard her." I said before walking to the closet, I guess I had forgotten to explain to her that we still had schooling of course it was different for her.

I placed her school uniform on the bed and sat on my bed waiting for her.

She went into the restroom to shower which lasted five minutes, she spent the final ten pulling her hair into a sock bun and brushing her teeth and doing other hygiene refreshments.

She pulled on her shoes and looked at me. "I don't have a backpack." She said.

"You don't need one." I said simply, she would eventually understand why.

We both ran downstairs, my mother had made her a lunch and placed a kiss on my head. Lana hugged her father tightly who said an I love you and kissed her head before we left.

When we reached the school she looked at me hesitantly. I walked to my locker and she followed me only waiting and looking around at the people.

"I feel like there are a lot of red eyes on me." She said softly.

"Your something shiny and new, you smell good too." I said to her with a cheeky grin, I didn't mean any fragrance smell. Her blood. It was simple to say, it smelled amazing.

"He's right." Someone said from behind her, I looked up to see a boy tracing along where her pulse could be found on her neck with a grin. "I'm Devin." He said.

"I'm Lana." She said, the awe on we face was unbelievable.

"She's mine. You have your own." I growled to him making him chuckled softly. He said nothing more and walked off.

"What did you mean by that Harry?" She asked me sounding confused. How could I be so stupid?


A/n: Thank you all so much for reading my story. I hope that you continue to read and enjoy it. Please remember to comment vote and fan me. :)

Young Blood // h.sDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora