Chapter 12

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Thinking about You

The whole Sunday went by really fast. Elena had talked to Caroline, Tyler and Bonnie about what happened yesterday. It was horrible.
One of the worst things that's ever happened to her was yesterday. The only thing that is worse is the accident and her parents' death.

But it was really horrible to see Tyler like that. Being completely unaware about what is happening and why. Just laying there and wait for the pain and burning feeling to go away. She felt so bad for him. And for Caroline. This was something she never wanted to see again, and didn't wish for someone else either.

The only good about last night was that she saw Damon again and realized he wasn't such a bad person after all. It was scary and hard to believe it but she actually looked forward to meet him again. She wanted to talk with him. Last time she was so surprised and shocked she couldn't say a word. But she is ready now.

When she arrived at school she couldn't find Damon or Stefan anywhere so she decided to drive to them once school was over.
The front door stood open. She knocked and entered.
"Is anyone home?"A gust of wind past her head and the door closed. When she turned around no one was their.

"Hello, Elena." Damon said and stood right in front of her.
"Hey. I'm sorry for barging in. The door was open."
"Don't worry. You're welcome anytime." He smiled at her. The same smile he always did. And that always made her distracted and hard to talk.

"So what did you want?"
"I. I just. I couldn't find you in school today."
"We weren't in school today. We haven't been in school since, you know."
"The thing with Alaric."
"Yeah." He looked down like he was embarrassed.

"The thing you said yesterday-"
"I'm sorry. I should never have said that."
"No. Don't do that. Don't apologize for your feelings."
Elena took a few steps closer to him.

"I don't. I'm just saying that I shouldn't have told you."
"I'm happy you did." She smiled and the distance between them had never been smaller.
"Because after what you did yesterday I might have changed my mind. I don't want to hide from you anymore. I want to be with you. I'm thinking about you all the time."
Elena took his hand in hers and looked him in the eyes.

"I'm think about you too. Every day, every minute."
Elena could feel how her cheeks started to blush. How could someone like him like someone like her? He is perfect. He can get whoever he want but he chose her.

Damon looked at Elena. She was so perfect. Her eyes, nose, lips, eyebrows, hair, everything was perfect. How could someone like her like someone like him? She can get whoever she want but she chose him. A monster.

Elena leaned forward towards his face. Their lips were so close, she could feel him breathing. They stayed in that position. So close they could feel each other's noses.
They breathed the same air.
Elena put her hand on the side of his face and their lips were even closer if that was even possible.

Then their lips touched. His upper lip on her lower. This was the moment they had both waited for. Elena moved her hand to his neck and up to his head. Her hand slipped through his long, dark, soft hair.
She felt how Damon's hands started to touch her. First on her waist and then all the way up. On her back, on her scapula, on her shoulders, on her neck. They touched her so careful that it tickled her. Hands of pure perfection.

Their kiss became more passionate, and they could taste each other's lips, tongues, cupid bows.
Then it stopped. Their eyes opened at the same time and starred at each other. Their eyes smiled. Elena's eyes gleamed of happiness and love. It had been so perfect. Better than she could ever imagine.

He was something special. She was sure of it. Not a normal person, not a normal creature. He was the one. When she got here she wasn't sure but after this, after the kiss she was. It made her feel something. She was falling in love with him.


When Elena got home she walked straight to the kitchen to take something to eat. What she was met by surprised her. It was Alaric. He stood and made dinner.
"Uh. What are you doing here?"
"Hi, Elena. I understand this must be weird for you."
He got a nervous laugh in response.

"I'm making dinner for you, Jenna and Jeremy. I'm the teacher Jenna is dating."
"Oh, okay. Whoa." Elena didn't know how to answer that.
Jenna walked into the kitchen. She stopped when she saw Elena.
"Hey. Welcome home. I think you two already know each other."
"Yeah, but I bet you two know each other better."
"I hope so." Jenna laughed.

They all sat around the table. It smelled and tasted delicious, Alaric was a very good cook.
"How did it taste?" Alaric said after they had all tasted the food.
"It's amazing." Jenna smiled at him.
"Yes, it really is. One of the best chicken casserole I have ever eaten."Elena smiled at him too. Just as Jeremy who agreed with Elena.

"Wow, thank you."
"Where did you learn to cook?" Jenna asked.
"Nowhere. I learned myself, but my mother always made wonderful food when I was a kid so I guess I got the interest from her."

After thirty minutes they were still eating.
"Where were you after school?" Jenna looked at Elena.
"I was at a friend."
"But I saw Caroline and Bonnie walking by Mystic Grill earlier."
Elena's eyes widened which probably would make them understand she was lying. Why did Jeremy have to destroy everything? She didn't want to tell them about Damon. She couldn't tell them about him, what would she say? Yeah I was at a vampire.

"I was at a new friend. It's a girl from my French class." Elena looked at Jeremy and tried to look convincing so they would stop asking question, but apparently she didn't because they kept asking her about this friend.
"I think it's a special kind of friend." Jeremy said and smirked at her.
"Why does it even matter? Can we take this later, or never?"

She wasn't ashamed because Alaric was there. That was her least problem. It was just too risky talking about Damon.
Jeremy just laughed.
"You don't need to talk about him. Lets talk about something else. What happened in school today, Jeremy?"

Before Elena got to bed Jenna walked up to her.
"I know it can be hard and embarrassing to talk with us about this but I don't want you to be ashamed. Why don't you invite him over dinner? You are both adults now and it would be nice to meet him. I know you have liked him for a while even if you don't want to admit it."
She smiled to Elena and hugged her. She was happy that Elena finally were happy again and tried to start living a normal life.

But Jenna didn't know who this guy was. And she definitely didn't know what he was. If she did she would never asked Elena to invite him, or think Elena started to live a normal life.

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