numb & getting colder.

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"She knew I was lying to her," I huffed as I laid down, my hair sprawled across his sheets as he took another mouthful of the alcoholic drink, "She fucking straight up knew. How did she know? I'm a fucking great liar," I gestured towards the bottle and Nathan passed it to me, the bitter drink burned my throat as I swallowed,
"You're not that great of a liar, Elizabeth," He laughed softly,
"It was hardly a lie though,"
"Maybe you should learn to lie," He suggested, "I'm a professional liar,"
"I know," I smiled, looking up at him, he looked down at me and rolled his eyes before taking another drink out of the bottle, I laughed softly, "You're a fucking terrible liar," He let out a small laugh along with me. His cheeks rose and his eyes squinted, I smiled. This was the first time I had seen him smile in a while, maybe it was a mixture of the alcohol and whatever the fuck he was taking, but it was nice to see him smile again. "Have you been back to group?" His smile faded, so did mine,
"Once," He replied, "It was bullshit," He began to move around on his bed and I sat up briefly before he got comfortable again, I moved slightly and rested my head on his lap, "The fucking doctor asked me how you were doing,"
"He probably knows we go to the same school, Nathan,"
"But he didn't even fucking bother to ask how I was doing," He grumbled, "It doesn't take that much. Fucking shit fucker," He took a swig out of the bottle before handing it down to me, I took it from his hands and took a sip. His fingers found their way to my hair and he began fidgeting with the strands and running his fingers through them.
"Don't think too much into it, Nathan," I replied,
"What the fuck am I supposed to think?"
"The man was a fucking prick, he only cared about himself,"
"And you, apparently," He sighed,
"Jealous?" I laughed lightly,
"That you have someone who cares about you? Yes," He stated,
"Hey, I care," I huffed, "Maybe if you weren't such a fucking asshole all the time it would be easier to converse with you," He let out a large breath of air before laughing lightly,
"Fuck off, Martin."

I woke up suddenly and the room was dark, a small blue light coming from the other side of the room, illuminating enough that I could see the outline of the objects in the room. Nathan's arm was wrapped around my waist, his eyes were closed and his lips slightly parted. I slowly tried to sit up but his grip on my waist tightened,
"Nathan," I whispered trying to pry his arm off me, he groaned quietly before giving up and going limp. I uncovered myself from the blanket, stood up quietly and grabbed my bag, careful not to wake him before I made my way towards the door,
"Where going?" He sleepily groaned as he rolled over,
"I'll be back," I whispered before stepping out of the room and quietly shutting the door behind me. I pulled the hood of Nathan's jumper over my head and quickly made my escape for the girl's dorm so I wouldn't have to deal with a hungover Nathan in the morning. My bed was cold when I crawled into it and I immediately fell asleep.

My phone obnoxiously buzzing on my bedside table woke me up, I frowned and reached over to it, I had 26 messages and 12 missed calls. I groaned and unlocked my phone,

< Messages (16)        Victoria
                 Yesterday, 9:02 am
U coming 2 class 2day?
R U running L8?
Where r U?
R u mad @ me?
I'm hanging out in my dorm if u want 2 come
Ur not in ur dorm where r u?
I got some bud if u want
Pick up ur phone!!
I am worried about u

I let out a small laugh before typing an apology to Victoria and then opened the rest of my messages,

< Messages (10)      Chloe $$$
                   Yesterday, 5:38 pm
Stay safe Beth.
I worry about u
Love u
I guess

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