get on the road.

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The phone was cold against my ear as I sat in Nancy's office for, hopefully, the last time. The constant ringing was the only thing I was concentrating on as I waited for my dad to pick up the phone, I had called him 5 times this morning and there was no sign of him picking up. I sighed and put the phone back down on the receiver,
"He's not picking up, Nancy," She stood up and walked over to me, placing her warm hand on my back as I placed my head in my hands and sighed, "Will I have to stay longer?" She laughed,
"No, you're definitely leaving today," She spoke confidently, "I don't want to see your face around here anymore," She chuckled slightly, so did I, "You deserve so much better than being stuck in here," She paused momentarily, "So does she." There was a long silence between us, "I've heard your place at Blackwell is open for you now,"
"I could go there today?" I asked, anxiety ran through my bones just thinking about stepping foot on the school grounds,
"Yeah," Nancy replied, "Your dad put your things in boxes and sent them over to the school,"
"Of course he did," I scoffed,
"He wants to see you, Beth," She attempted to assure me, "Just give him time,"
"I've given him 6 months! He's called you more than he's called me! And I'm his fucking daughter!" She nodded sympathetically,
"I'm sorry, Elizabeth," She pulled me into a hug, her warm arms wrapping around my cold body, "I'm going to miss you when you get out of here," She smiled into my neck. She smelt like cheap perfume and coconut shampoo,
"Me too, Nancy," She hesitantly unwrapped her arms from my body,
"Do you have someone you can call when you get out?" I paused thinking for a moment and then nodded,
"Yeah," I smiled, "There's one person who wouldn't mind, I'm sure,"

I don't think I've ever packed bags as fast as I just did, I was slightly out of breath and lying on the empty bed when three quiet knocks echoed throughout my room from the door,
"Come in," I mumbled sitting up,
"Your ride is here," The nurse smiled, holding a clipboard against his chest. I stood up quickly and pulled my bags over my shoulders, I looked back into the room before leaving. The small room had been my home for the last 6 months and I was so fucking ready to leave. We walked through the hospital, passing the friends I had made and saying our goodbye's. Finally, we made it to the front desk, " You have to keep taking your medication for two months, then, if your doctor is pleased with the results, you can slowly come off them," He smiled handing me the bottle of pills, I shoved them in the pocket of my coat. I smiled and nodded in return, he handed me forms to sign and then pressed the huge green button on the wall, the doors opened and finally, I was fucking free.

"I never thought you'd be the one to end up in a ditch like that," She laughed as we drove through the familiar town of Arcadia Bay, the streets were like dreams I had, so distant and vague in my memory,
"Fuck," I laughed slightly, "I'm so fucking happy I'm out of there," I turned to look at her. She had changed, only as much as you'd expect someone to in six months, she had dyed her hair a bright blue and she looked fucking amazing. "Your hair looks great, Chloe," She smiled, her cheek bones raising and her eyes squinting slightly,
"And you haven't changed one fucking bit,"
"We weren't allowed scissors in there," I sighed, "No make overs for me,"
"They're going to recognise you," She said quietly, her knuckles turning white as she gripped the steering wheel,
"I'll just stay in hiding for a few days," I mumbled, "I'm sure they'll forget about me when the week is through," She laughed,
"I fucking doubt it, with a face like that,"
"Fuck off," I laughed and took the cigarette out of her hands and placed it into my mouth, a soft silence fell over us for a few moments, the rumbling of the car engine filling our ears, "Do you know where she is?" Chloe stiffened,
"No," She sighed, "I'm still putting fucking posters up, trying to get some answers." Guilt rocketed through my body as I thought about Rachel, there was no way Chloe could know, no fucking way could she ever find out about what happened that night.

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