the draw.

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I had been back at Blackwell for two days and I had managed to avoid everyone except of Victoria and her clones, Taylor and Courtney. They were nice- I just couldn't deal with anymore Victoria's in my life. She has been nagging me about throwing a massive party since I've come back, I've been turning down her requests but she seems pretty dead set on it. So set on it, she gave me her old mobile so she could text me details- I live across the hall from her.
I guess I've settled in okay, classes start today, I'm excited, but I haven't left the dorm rooms during 'rush hour', so I don't think people have actually seen me here. Just heard the rumours.
I slipped on my white converse and threw my bag over my shoulder, I fixed my hair before I took a deep breath and walked out of my dorm. It wasn't as busy as I thought but there was still a rush of girls trying to get ready before they would be late. Doors were opening and closing, voices were getting louder and I was getting closer to the exit.
"Elizabeth!" A voice called out from behind me, I turned around to see Victoria running up behind me, "I'm going to walk you in, okay? I know it's scary,"
"Sure, V," I smiled slightly at her, she wrapped her arm around my waist briefly before letting go and opening the door. What ever gets you humanity points, Victoria. We stepped outside and the cool air hit me and I inhaled it deeply, Taylor and Courtney were standing outside waiting for Victoria and immediately got off their phones when she walked outside. I smiled stiffly at them and continued walking, people stopped and looked at Victoria and I, but she just hit them back with a "Go fuck yourself,"
"I think I can take it from here, V. Thank you," I smiled and took a step away from her.
"What? Are you sure?" Her face dropped slightly,
"I'll be fine," I turned around and kept walking, I put my hands deep into my pockets and kept my head down. I just wanted to make it to my class without hassle. Maybe I was blowing this all up? Maybe everyone didn't care about me as much as I thought. I sure hoped that was the case. My rushed trip to the main building was cut short,
"Hey Beth!" I groaned and turned to my left to see Justin,
"Hey!" I smiled and walked up to him, wrapping my arms around him,
"The rumours are true! Elizabeth Martin has returned!" He yelled gesturing towards the sky, surely bringing on more unwanted attention, "Where have you been?" He asked,
"I've been around," I smiled and shifted awkwardly, he nodded, "I should, I should get going to class,"
"Yeah man, of course," Justin smiled, pulling me in again, "It's been weird not having you around," and paused, "And Rachel,"
"I know, it's fucked up without her around," I nodded and kept walking towards the main building. The front doors were heavier than I remembered and I was relieved once I made it into the building, Principal Wells was standing out the front of his office, students were moving around him like a rock in flowing water.
"Ah! Miss. Martin," He smiled and gestured towards me, "I've been waiting for you. Please, step inside my office," I smiled and followed him into his office. It smelt like old leather and stale whiskey, I sat down on the chairs in front of his desk and he made his way onto the ridiculously extravagant leather chair on the other side, "I wanted to send my condolences for what you've been through. Blackwell has put a lot of effort into searching for Rachel Amber but unfortunately the case will rest in the local police hands now." I shifted uncomfortably and he continued, "Your father has put a lot of money into furthering your education at Blackwell so I expect you to be under best behaviour. Pick your crowd well, Elizabeth."

After about 15 minutes of Principal Wells yapping on about how I should pick my friends and focus on my education, he finally let me out and make me way to class. The halls were empty and a large bubble of anxiety settled into the pit of my stomach when I realised I would have to enter the classroom and have all attention on me. My hands began to sweat as I walked down the hallway to the door on the right, I placed my hand on the cold metal of the door handle and pushed it down, opening the door. The room fell silent,
"Miss Martin!" The dark haired man spoke, "I've been expecting you back for a while now," I took a step into the class room and everyone's eyes were on me, I nodded,
"I've been busy," I sighed,
"Too busy to come to class?" He retaliated,
"Yes." I rolled my eyes softly, "Unfortunately," A few students let out light laughter,
"Please, take a seat," He gestured towards the classroom, Victoria looked at me and smiled, pointing towards the empty chair on her left, I swiftly took a seat and listened to Mr Jefferson talk about the only thing I cared about, photography.

Class finally came to an end and I quickly made my way towards the door, leaving Victoria behind,
"Martin! I'd like to speak with you," Mr Jefferson called out, Victoria scoffed and let out a small laugh behind me, I walked over to him, "It's great to see you back in class, especially after what happened to your friend," I rolled my eyes at Jefferson trying to be sympathetic, "I'm only an email away if you'd like to talk about what happened." He paused momentarily, "There is a photo competition coming up during October and I'd like you to participate. Maybe you can channel some of that negative energy into some photos."
"Sure, thanks," I fixed my bag strap and continued walking out of the classroom. The hallways were busy and I dreaded being in a sea of people, I put in my earphones and turned up my music, so no one had a chance of getting through to me and made my way towards my dorm.
The dorms were busy with after school chatter, I weaved my way through the crowd and was relieved when I finally closed my door behind me, I leant against it and took a deep breath. When I opened my eyes, they landed on a yellow note stuck on my desk, I swiftly made my way over to it,
Does this mean you're not coming to group anymore?

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