The Raid on the Garrison

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The Raid on the Garrison ..... kingdav9

The night was damp and rainy, Scot lifted his fist ordering the men to halt. The lads were all crouched behind a chest high brick wall, mere yards away from a British garrison. Scot took a glaring look around, breathing in the cool, moist air.

“Alright lads” he whispered “This shall be our first and final chance to take back our lands, fight well and fight hard, for if ye are captured ye will certainly be drawn and quartered and if we succeed… This is the first step toward a free Scotland. Fight for your land, for you families, for your countrymen, and most of all for victory!” There was a moment of silence followed by hushed cheering.

“Jamison and his squad follow me. Charleson?”


“Take MacArthur and yer squad and position yourself on the west side”


”O’ Eagle Eye?”


“Go sit atop that hill over yonder, provide some cover. Be my guardian angel, will ya?”

“Right I will boy’o’”

Eagle Eye, a tall, lanky man in his late twenties, took off toward the hill. The hulking beast of a man that was called Charleson hastily scrambled to MacArthur, and after a few brief moments of hushed conversation, headed to the west side of the garrison. The path  to this area was thickly wooded, they would have no issue arriving at their destination unseen. However, Scot and his squad, who were at the south end, were covered only by the brick wall. Between him and the garrison was a hundred yards of an immaculately cut lawn.

Eagle Eye had finally scrambled atop yonder hill. It was a wonder he hadn’t been spotted. With his tall figure and bright red hair, making all sorts of noises on his way. No matter… He was there. He eyed over to where Charleson was supposed to be. Everyone was in position. Time for his ingenious plan to commence.

“Help! Help! I am being mugged! Please help me!” Scot shouted as pathetically as he could from behind the wall. Almost instantly four guards popped out from inside a barracks, one on eight, each comprising of ten men. The guard, each dressed in a fancy red coat and black pants with a fur hat came to the edge of their encampment.

“Did ya hear that?”

“Yeh. Sounded like a bloody crime is happening!”

“What should we do?”

Before the guard could think to go back Scot again shouted “Please! Someone help me!”

 “Come on boys! We can explain to the captain later.”

     The guards booked it across the lawn and right toward the sound of Scots voice, where, when they hopped over the wall, were immediately tackled and hogtied.

Scot lined them all up on the wall and took the gag out of guard number ones mouth.

 “How do you do?”

 “What in the bloody hell do you think you’re doing?!”

 “Quiet, or I’ll have my friend over there cut out your tongue and wear it like a necklace” said Scot, nodding toward a large burly fellow that carried an axe “Do you understand?"

The guard nodded

     “This is how things are going to work. I am going to ask you a yes or no question. You will nod your head accordingly. If the information you tell me is correct I will spare your life. If not… Well” He nodded toward the burly man.

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