"Have fun on your project." Brad told him before he opened his car door.

"Thank you, babe." Tristan replied, then he kissed his boyfriend's cheek before he went in his car. He waved him goodbye, then he got in his own car. He followed James' car to his house so they could study together.


"That's weird. Sophie should be here by now." James said as he scanned the house for his little sister.

"Maybe she had to stay in school for a while." Tristan suggested.

"Yeah, she does that sometimes." James replied. He went down to the living room where they were going to study.

"What's our topic for today?" James asked Tristan, and he got his History book out and opened it to its bookmark.

"World War II! I see." James told him in delight, and he opened his book to the page where the chapter started.

They were in the middle of recalling the events at the climax of the World War II when Tristan's phone started ringing. He fished it out of his pocket and answered it.


"Good afternoon. How are you related to Miss Millie Evans?"

"I'm her older brother."

"Name and relation, please?"

"Tristan Evans. I'm her older brother."

"I am here to inform you that Miss Evans is currently at the hospital right now."

"Wha-- How?"

"She was found unconscious at the toilets in her school. There are multiple cuts on her wrists, and she lost a lot of blood. Please come here as soon as you can."

"Okay. I'll be there in a minute." Tristan told the lady in panic, and he started packing up his things, much to James' surprise.

"Where are you going?" James asked him with a concerned tone.

"Millie's at the hospital, I have to get to her." Tristan told him, but he couldn't focus on what he was doing.

"What happened?"

"I'll just explain later, okay? I really have to go." He told James, with tears threatening to fall from his eyes. He ran as fast as he could with James following him.

He immediately went to his car and tried to turn the engine on. To his misfortune, he couldn't start the car.

"For fucks sake!" He shouted while he continued trying to turn it on. After a few more attempts, his door opened.

"Tristan." James started, but Tristan wouldn't budge.

"Shut up." Tristan said as he continued trying to turn the engine on.


"Stop bugging me."

"Tristan, I'm not--"

"WHAT? I NEED TO GET TO MY SISTER!" He shouted, although he didn't mean to shout in front of James' face.

"Come with me, I'll take you there." James told him calmly. "I'm not going to let you drive in this state." He added, then Tristan grabbed his bag and they both got in James' car. Once they were on the road, Tristan started crying his eyes out.

"What happened?"

"She-- she was found unc-conscious, a-and she lost a l-lot of b-blood..." He managed to croak out, although the last part of his sentence cracked.

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