Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I groaned with the sun’s rays in my face. I turned facing the other way only to come into view with her beautiful face. Carmen’s. her lips slightly parted, her eyelids covering her sexy eyes. Her chest heaved up and down lightly as a sign that she was sleeping calmly. A few moments later she pushed closer to my body and snuggled in my chest. Her strawberry and cream smelling hair, hit me like a ton of bricks as I breathed the scent in. she was finally my wife.

Not long enough until my stupid alarm clock decided to ring. I groaned yet again and shut it off. I guess it’s time for me to get ready for work. I moved Carmen’s hand and put it next to her as I slipped out of bed. Yawning, I stretched a bit walking into the bathroom to freshen up. I looked at myself in the mirror. Good looking as always. I smiled at myself. I brushed my teeth and switched on the tap to the shower. Once the water was hot enough to my liking I slipped out of my clothes and stood under the pelting water.

The water ran down my body, relaxing my aching muscles. The water slid down my shoulders right until my feet as my head was against the shower wall, recalling what happened yesterday. And the only thing that’s been running through my mind all night was, what the hell was it she was doing in the streets of Paris that rainy night? Who are you Carmen alexia? Just who?

I got out the shower and wrapped a towel dangerously low off my hips. I strode into the bedroom towards my walk in closet. Today things were going to be back to normal. I was going to be the Dominique antrè everyone knows. A light yawn echoed through the bedroom as I realised carmen had awoken. I slipped on my boxers as he walked into the closet. She hugged me from behind her head against my back.

“good morning.” she greeted tiredly.

“morning” I said to her with a smile. I turned around and kissed her forehead. I can’t believe she is my wife. So beautiful, so sexy so…. amazing. “carmen I’m going to head to work in a few minutes, so you’ll be here by yourself that is if you’re not counting all the servants.” I said to her as I slipped on my pats clipping my belt.

A small pout took over her full lips. She glared at me, before turning away. “I thought we were going to go on a trip.” I sighed and looked at her. Is she serious?

“or have you forgotten this is all a game?” I said catching her off guard. “let me tell you something carmen. I’m not all I seem to be; I am a completely different man than what I show you to be. So don’t think everything I do or say is because I care, because honestly. I don’t.” I said truthfully in a low tone. She needed to know what the hell she was getting herself into for this to work out.

She kept silent and walked off to the bathroom shutting it behind her. Sighing I slipped on my shirt and suit jacket before grabbing a pair of socks and my shoes. I brushed my hair and sprayed some deodorant before walking towards my office. I grabbed a few documents off the table only to be held up by my ringing phone. Valerie’s name popped on the screen as I rolled y eyes, what the hell was it this time?

“speak to me Valerie.” I said as I waited for her to speak.

“monsieur, it’s not working, la stratégie planifiée ne marches pa, il nous faut une nouvelle (the planned strtergy is not working, we need a new one.)” she spoke fast. It caught me off guard. What the hell did she mean its not working, what could have possibly gone wrong?

“okay I’ll be there soon, just keep them waiting a bit.” I said to her in a hurry, soon I war storming out the door, there is no way, I can’t lose this deal. It’s so important, how could this be?! I’m so frustrated.

I was headed for the door. Until her voice stopped me. “Dominique wait you need to have breakfast, I’m preparing it. we can have breakfast together.” she said making me groan.

“I don’t have time for that carmen, I have a very important deal to seal.” I said to her bluntly. I was about to go until she spoke again.

“but breakfast is more important.” She said as he grabbed my arm, “you need to eat or you’ll get sick, haven’t you heard breakfast is the most important meal of the day, your work can wait, it’s not as important as your health- “

“can you shut up!” I cut her off, “listen here and listen good, you are the last thing on my list, my business comes first, since when did you become my mother?” I questioned her.

“I was only trying to be a good wife to you, I don’t- “she started but I interjected yet again.

“don’t forget Carmen” I spat, “you are not my actual wife, I can goddamn drop you any time I want, so stop pretending, this is only a game to kill time, you are only a game to kill time in my boring life. So stop your pretending and your sweetness it doesn’t work with me, cause let me tell you something straight, you can’t love a man who already experienced love and lost it. so don’t even try.!” I yelled at her making her flinch back. I pulled my arm away from her, as I watched her eyes brim with tears. I was absolutely frustrated and angry at this moment.

There were somethings she needs to learn about me and she should learn it fast, I’m no prince charming, I’m no beast for a beauty. I am simply a dark man with a dark past and noting bright in the future. I rushed into the limo and gave instructions as quick as I could. A few minutes later we reached the antrè enterprises and I rushed up the stairs, in front of the conference room, Valerie stood agitated.

“you’re here.” He smiled. I wanted to really be rude at this moment and tell her ‘no I’m not here, Satan is’ my I bit my tongue. I didn’t even acknowledge her as I made my way into the conference room. This was going to take some time.


Chapter 7 complete! Dominique's Quest will be updated frequently from here on out.

French translation by: @izzystern77

What do you think is going to happen next?

Will Dominique be able to seal the deal?

How's Carmen feeling after their little chat this morning?

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