Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

I cannot explain how ecstatic I am. We sat in the limo riving back. Carmen sat quietly which was absolutely astounding. Not having to hear her challenging voice, but it felt weird.

“carmen?” I called her name. she continued to looked out the window. I turned to see she was staring at the alleyway I found her at. Speaking of that alleyway.

“carmen?” I called her name, and slightly touched her thigh. Startled she shook. She looked at me, her eyes holding fear. “carmen, honey what’s wrong?” honey? Couldn’t I have said something better. Dominique focus. I stared her in the eyes, she looked like she was about to cry.

“Dominique.” She said my name, her voice cracking. I pulled her to me and hugged her tightly, she put her face in my neck. Not saying a word, not shedding a tear.

What got her so scared? What does that alleyway have to do with carmen? Why was she in the rain that night? What happened that night?

The limo pulled up to the mansion, now Carmen’s quiet and small breaths were head. She was sound asleep. I got out and picked her up bridal style into the house. Her red dress making it difficult to carry her. I carried her inside as Roxanne came into waiting.

“welcome back monsieur.” She welcomed me. I simply began to speak.

“I need you to help carmen out of her dress, so she can sleep, I have work to do so I won’t be sleeping for a while.” I said bluntly. Roxanne nodded at my words and followed behind me as I carried carmen to my…, I mean our bedroom. That sounds nice. I placed carmen on the bed and walked out of the room to my office up the stairs. I opened the dark office as the wind blew though the curtains the full moon in sight, I took of my suit coat, un cuffed the hand cuffs and lifted them to my elbows, then took off my watch and sat in my office chair. And opened my laptop and began typing away.

I had typed and typed and went through almost most of documents. I looked out the window letting out a sigh. Now I’ll be managing the full company, the company vie been planning for all my life.

The office door opened, letting light in, I looked up to see carmen, wearing her night clothes and a robe over in as she strides in. looking back at my laptop, I spoke up, “why is that you are still up, I thought you were asleep, its 2 in the morning.” I said.

“I was waiting for you.” She answered. I looked at her confused.

“and what does my presence have to do with your sleeping?” I questioned her unemotionally. She smiled.

“well you are my husband, aren’t you? And as your wife I refuse to sleep without you.” She compromised with herself.

“well then suit yourself, I have a lot of work to complete, you can sit on the couch and keep quiet.” I said and continued my work. She walked to the couch taking a seat, looking out the wide window, into the night sky.

Time flew by slowly as I continued working, my head killing me. stupid headache. I poured a glass of water, and drank it quenching my thirst. I looked up to see carmen standing up. she walked up to me, sitting on my lap, she was really light.

“what are you doing?” I asked her.

She shrugged, “I told you I won’t sleep without my husband, so that’s what I’m doing. Bonoui” she greeted goodnight. I let out a sigh,

“carmen I need to work.” I spoke, but I should be speaking to a wall, because she was out like a light. I lifted my hand running my fingers through her soft black raven hair. I kissed the top of her forehead as she snuggled closer into my chest. It’s funny how this is a competition to see who would fall in love first, but we both act like a married couple. What’s happening to me?

This is not me. I’m changing, but is this change good? Am I doing the right thing in wanting to fall in love with her? In trying to find love? I’m living my life as though you never left. Why is that? Why does it feel like you’re still here? If my dreams lead me to you, ill plant your image in memories. But I’m beginning to forget what you look like. Why does thinking of you always leave a never ending pain. Would bringing her into my life fill the void you left? Will my loneliness be fulfilled? Why did you leave?


The next day.

My alarm clock rang at 7 and I woke up to see no carmen, walking out my office to my bedroom, she wasn’t there either. Deciding, I took a showered and got ready for work. Walking down the stairs, I walked to the dining room, there stood my stunning wife as she placed food on the table. “bonjour” she said smiling.  Smile I could forever remember.

“bonjour” I replied smiling. Then suddenly her challenging yes lit up, just when we had a happy mood going.

“Dominique, my love” she said putting emphasis on my love. I looked at her, my cunning smile taking over, there’s no way I’m going down. “I hope you haven’t forgotten about our deal?” she said.

“of course not! I’d never, you are going down, like I say if you play with the fox you always get tricked and trust me carmen, mark my words, you will fall so hard you will regret ever having a challenging attitude.” I smirked.

She smirked as well, before speaking up, “trust me ‘nique’ don’t underestimate my strength, I may be a woman, but I am just as clever but so much quicker and it will be you who shall fall so hard.” She laughed triumphantly. My mouth hung open, that’s not possible.

“where the hell did you get that.” I said as I looked at her in horror, in her hand was a childhood picture of me, and trust me it’s not pretty.

“let’s just say I have my sources, who new you like crossdressing nique?” that name is the only thing I hate as much as my past. Let’s just say my mother was something else. “’nique’ that’s such a pretty name, neh Dominique? I wonder who had such lovely naming skill?” she smirked.

Bitch Lorain! I wonder how Thomas can live with that witch. How dare she? I will never forgive her for this.

“oh stop you big baby, and have breakfast or you’ll be late for work.” She said as she put my plate in front of me, another day forward, another day into getting the company running fully, like how I own it.


Wow! The competition still goes on.

Who is Amelia?
What was Carmen afraid of?
Will things be getting better for the 2 cats and dogs?

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Until the next update of Dominique's Quest.


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