𝟐𝟏. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚'𝐬 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐫

Start from the beginning

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God." I repeated under my breath, not being able to take my eyes off the dead man in front of me.

The Alpha bent down right in front of me with his blood red eyes staring right into mine. "Lead me to the gym or I will kill you."

My entire body was shaking as I slowly stood up and watched the Alpha grab the dead man's leg, dragging him behind him as he walked. I tried to not look back as I walked down the hallway, the Alpha dragging the janitor's dead body after him. After walking for a few minutes, I lead him into the gym where he made me press a button which would make the bleachers fold out.

After he'd dragged me with him behind the bleachers and hung the dead body, he dragged me back out and made me hide in the corner with him as if he was waiting for someone.

My body began shaking and I tried to yell as I saw my brother carefully walk into the gym with something in his hand, but the Alpha's hand was pressed against my mouth and its claws against my neck. I watched my brother sniff around, then walk around the bleachers and in behind them.

The Alpha dragged me to my feet once again and dragged me over to the switch, forcing me to flick it so that the bleachers would start going in again, and if my brother didn't make it out in time, he would get crushed behind the bleachers.

"Yasmine, where are you?" I could hear Scott call for me. "Yasmine, are you safe? Yasmine, be answer me."

Weirdly enough, just as I began yelling, the Alpha moved his hand so that my voice actually made it out into the gym.

"Scott, I'm here! Run!" I yelled hysterically. "The Alpha is here! Just run!"

I sighed relieved when I saw Scott jump out from behind the bleachers just as they closed. The Alpha had left me in the corner and had moved forward, going directly for Scott. His brown eyes landed on mine and they widened when they saw my messed up hair, the black streaks down my face from my eyeliner and mascara, and my dirty and bloody clothes. He threw whatever was in his hand at the Alpha and all I saw was the glass shattering, but when I saw the look on Scott's face, I realized it hadn't worked. As I began moving towards them, my nose picked up on the chemicals that had hit the floor and I came to the conclusion that he'd tried to throw a Molotov cocktail at the Alpha, but something in it wasn't right, because it didn't ignite as it was suppose to.

Scott tried to get away from the Alpha, but the Alpha grabbed his ankle and slid him violently over the sleek floor, Scott's head landing right in front of my feet. I bent down and checked him for any scratches as Scott's hand wrapped around mine. I gasped as the Alpha pushed me away and leaned down to Scott's face, his clawed hand holding the side of Scott's face. He let out a huge roar which made me lose all balance and fall to the floor, my eyes ringing as I screamed in pain. When my eyes opened again and I lowered hands, I saw blood on them and realized that the Alpha's roar had been so loud that it'd made my ears bleed. I became really concerned when I saw Scott twisting and squirming on the floor. I tried to move to move closer, but when Scott lifted his head and shook his head at me, I backed away. As he continued to turn, I swear his eyes turned bright crimson for just a second before they turned their beta golden.

Scott got up, in his wolf form, and began walking out of the gym. There had been a look in his eyes that had lead me to believe that he would kill me if I tried something, so I slowly began following behind him, trying to ignore the bleeding from my ears, my pounding head and the aching in my entire body. Scott let his claws run over different surfaces as he made his way up the stairs and towards wherever the others were hiding. I was sure that Scott knew I was right behind him, but he probably didn't hurt me because I didn't do anything to him. He stopped right in front of a classroom door and stuck the key right into the keyhole, twisting the lock so that the door was almost unlocked. He raised his fist to, I assume, break down the door, but stopped when I finally spoke up, and when he heard the same thing I heard.

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