Chapter 6

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I was tired and irritated, we had been flying for ten hours straight, we haven't stopped in a while, and I needed rest, I looked at the night sky and the shining moon, wondering how I can even pull this off," Angelica? You ok? You're kind of slacking there" Cameron asked as he flew by my side, I rubbed my eyes tiredly from staying up so long and wasting my energy from using my wings, " Just tired that's all, I need some kind of refreshment, I don't know how you do it, or even Brennan" I looked to my left and saw Brennan focused of what's ahead of him, he seemed very kind even though the only time Brennan only talked when he explained some details, other than that Brennan was quiet. Still, for Cameron, he was outgoing, and he was the fighter in the group, which made me wonder about who I was in the group, maybe the leader or the possible damsel of distress? Most likely both, " I'm sure once we find a city we can stop by a hotel and rest a bit" I looked at Cameron and nodded in agreement " Yeah your right, I just hope it will happen soon , I don't want to push myself over my limit " I explained as he just nodded, we flew a little more as I started to look below, we were above a city, all of the city lights shined bright making it illuminate, it was quite beautiful, " Looks like we are in Iowa city" I looked to my left at Brennan in wonderment as he looked below us, " I didn't think we will travel this far, but it's pretty good for not stopping in a while, let's head down, we are actually ahead of our schedule" with that said he dived below us and heading onward to Iowa fast, me and Cameron followed his actions, the wind was making my hair go everywhere behind my head, and yet flying like this gave me a rush of excitement, flying so fast below got us to Iowa quick, we flew behind some buildings as we finally landed on our feet on the solid concrete, and as usual we sheathed our wings to not get compromised, " What should we do while we are here?" I looked at Brennan; he looked like he knew what he was doing so it was best if we went with his gut feeling, " Well we can rest up for a bit, yet I have a feeling we can find someone for information, so let's walk around and let our backs relax a bit" " Ok that sounds good Brennan, let's get started then."

We had stopped at a small café to take our rest, planning on our next action on what we should do at this point, I looked around the café it was a cute small café, the walls were painted yellow giving off a cheery vibe to it, all the seats and booths looked like they've been cleaned and polished, it made me feel relaxed actually, " Ok so none of us had found nothing yet?" Brennan looked at us as he took a sip of his drink, trying to avoid, once again Cameron's gaze, which I had no idea why he was so tough on the guy, like if Brennan was bad or something for knowing so much, " No not really.....yet I don't see why we need to find information for anything at this point" Cameron had an icy tone to his voice that kind of gave me goosebumps from when he spoke, " I haven't either it seems to me that maybe we have been searching in the wrong places" " Hmm? What do you mean by that, Brennan?" I asked, confused, what did he mean by searching at the wrong places? "Ok, where did you two go?? " " Oh well, we were looking for clubs, bars, or even alleyways" " Ok, and you think those are the places where bad people intentionally go?" Then it hit me, it was like reverse psychology, for all we know the people who go to the clubs or alleyways are good people, it was a genius way to escape from getting caught so easily, " Wait so what are you saying?" Cameron asked, he looked tense like if he did something wrong, " I'm saying that we can be in someone's vision....and we didn't even realize it" my breath hitched, and my heart was speeding up by the second, I then glanced around to see the cashier, the waiters and waitresses stared at us, as if staring into our souls, we were in their territory and it was not going to be fun, on instinct I got up from my seat and I threw my drink in the eyes of the nearest Waiter, he groaned in pain as he stumbled back while falling and breaking a chair behind him then both Brennan and Cameron took the action into fighting, Brennan already taking out the cashier and another waiter as Cameron was taking one for himself, leaving me with three of the waitresses, " I'm going to have fun torturing that pretty face of yours Angelica" One said as she jumped on me clawing my neck, I groaned as I clawed at her hands and pushed her on the nearest booth table, slamming her against it as I started to punch her with everything I got, with my back turned another girl jumped on me losing my focus as the one I punched kicked me off her as I fell onto the other girl that was on my back, " Wow...your stronger than I thought, now this is fun" the girl said excitedly, I scanned around looking for anything to do, the girl that I fell on held me in place that I couldn't get up, my brain all of a sudden looked at the girls name tag, the name was Maya, " M-Maya.....I don't know why you're doing this but let me go please, just stop fighting me. Everything will be fine, just please snap out of it" I had no idea what I was doing. Still, if these words were going to help me in some way then I was going to give it a chance, Maya then kneeled as she was going to strike, but her expression changed, she later backed away from me as the girl was muttering, " Get out" repeatedly, she was groaning and crying out in pain as dark energy came out of her as Maya screamed, finally going limp as she fell over, I stared in shock as I felt the other girl let go of me to run away as the others did, leaving Maya behind, " Angelica are you ok?!?" Cameron yelled as he picked me up, " Don't worry I'm fine, I just have a few claw marks and bruises I'm fine really" I said out of breath as I looked at the girl's poor body, " What was that just now." Cameron, following my gaze toward Maya's body, " Whatever it was, it must be something formed as a plan," Brennan said, he had a few cuts on his face as his hands were shaky. Still, Cameron didn't look hurt at all; I shakily got Mrs. Tatum's book. I scanned through it, remembering something involved with the dark energy, " Seeing these dark forms of clouds is dangerous, it belongs to a vengeful soul that takes control to take someone's live body, be very cautious with the body they took for they will get hurt or possibly even die" I read out aloud looking at Maya on the floor, looking at her closely I noticed how her blonde hair was tangled. Her grey eyes looked lifeless when she got controlled; she slowly woke up, groaning in pain, " Maya....are you ok?" I walked over to her as I kneeled, she looked at me tired and shaken up, " Y-Your Angelica? Oh, they'll be so happy to see you" I looked at her shocked, was Maya one with supernatural too? And how many more were there? " How do you know me?" " Your parents are a legend every one of us in the colony knows about you, and you're not safe at this moment," and those were the words that ran my blood cold while staring at her now lively eyes.

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