Makes Me Feel Alive

Start from the beginning

"Get ready. There are news vans here. Opening."

In the distance we see the massive broad Neverland Gates swing wide open and in poured vehicle after vehicle. Then the vans pulled in afterwards. When the parked onto the pavement infront of the house some got out of their cars screaming. We smiled and greet them but stood on the steps until all the party of twenty stood on the stoop. Reporters piled from their vans with camera men and camera flashes began to fill the air. Shania stood next to Faith and when everyone stood looking to us I began.

"Welcome to Neverland..."
They clapped and I introduced myself,
"My name is Dee.." I gestured over to Faith, "And I'm Faith.."
"And I'm Shania..."
I chuckled and said, "Were really no one special."
Faith smiles,
"Were pretty much just like you..."
I look over to Shan and she says,
"But we did this because we wanted to give back."
I nodded and finished, "Without further ado... Please come inside.."

I stood to one side letting them enter, they all strolled in and faith instructs them to group in the foyer while we talked to reporters. As I reluctantly enjoyed the fifteen minute interview with a microphone in my face I see another car pull into the lot. I look over curious and out came familiar faces myself and the girls knew.
Lei, Maisy and Zoe. They came to us running and cheering and we met them in a tight hug.
"I know we're not booked but we wanted to see the place!" Lei says over my shoulder and I say, "You can bunk with us don't worry. Just come see Neverland!"
They giggled and we followed them inside as they too gawked at the mansion and how grand it was.
I stood in front of the group beginning the tour and we made our way into the dining room where the girls and I ate our meals, "This is the west dining room, this is where we'll serve breakfast tomorrow morning."
"8 am sharp.." Shan giggles and as I went on explaining Faith nudges my side looking to the chandelier. It swung once then twice. I winced knowing Michael was near but he couldn't have timed it better. I don't want to scare anybody. Faith goes to the sliding glass door to the patio and closes it tight, noticing some people getting the hint of the chandelier, "Sorry guys, we get a draft sometimes.."
I smiled and lead them on to the grand library. Going down the hall I explained about how the library is where Michael spent the majority of his time and going past a full length mirror I stopped. I saw Michael standing in the back of the group. He leaned against the wall with one shoulder and propped the toe of his shoe up. He wore white today. Sparkling white with a gold vest underneath his suit. His hair was tied up but a black curl draped over his brow. I had to stop to just see him standing there. I turned my head around to look back as the group chatted amongst themselves. Michael wasn't there. I smiled and Shan whispers, "Dee you okay?"
I nodded and told her,
"Just thought I saw something."
She smirks and motion's the group to continue. We lead them into the library, the parlors and every wing of the house.
Someone rose their hand and asked, "Are there any rules while we're here?"
We looked to each other, our trio and we said, "Michael's bed chambers is for viewing purposes only. We don't set foot in that room ourselves. The house is still Michaels, treat it with respect please."

They all nodded and we finished the tour in the library we told everyone to join us in one hour for our opening formal tea party. We decided to let everyone dress like the royals they sure felt like when staying the night in Neverland. My trio stood at the widows walk at the upper level of the library dressed in our evening gowns. I wore a black, off the shoulder mermaid train gown. Shan wore a teal asymmetrical, one shoulder dress. Faith wore a white and gold laced dress that had matching earrings.

We all stood on the steps in the library greeting them as they made tea and complimented each other's outfits. In the corner of my eye I see Michael making his way around the windows walk and I wince rushing over.
I hide my face with my hand and whisper, "Mike, the clientele will see you, mike they're all moonwalkers. They'll lose their minds.." Michael smiles and tells me, "The only one who looks like they're losing their mind is you. I am using projection. Only those who I choose to see me, can see me. You like you're talking to a book of catcher in the eye right now to everyone else Dee." I giggled and Michael joined me around with the other girls, watching everyone come in, dressed in opera gloves and bowties.
In our bouts of conversation and giggles the Neverland main door opens and the girls and I look to each other. "Is someone late?" I ask.
Shan shook her head,
"No, I counted twenty. Twice."
We all excuse ourselves and go into the foyer to see Janet standing in her pants suit and high heels we all cheer excited and almost knock her down in a hug.
"This place looks amazing my darlings! How are you?!"
She says glowing and we answer telling her to come join us for tea.
"Should we tell Janet about Michael?"

I looked around trying to think and whispered back as we made it to the library,
"It's her brother. I feel obligated to."
Janet strolled around the top level with us and her eyes never left the lavish library and just how beautiful it looked. She stood in place and said, "I'm very proud of you girls. I knew you could do it, did my three million really get you this far?"
We smirked looking to each other and Faith says, "We had help."
I go down and grab Janet a cup of tea and we sit at a small table that sat off to the side in the upper level. We sat in casual conversation and Janet remarks, "I haven't seen it so vibrant since the nineties girls. You've impressed me. Any bumps in the night?"
I shift my weight uncomfortably and knew it was time to tell her.
I see Michael appear in the seat next to myself and the girls look over then return their attention to janet. Michael was obviously using his projection trick. I asked her,

"Have you ever seen Michael Janet? As a spirit."

"I've never shown no." Michael whispers and Janet giggles,

"Oh no. Not anything like that. It's just been little things like I've explained."
Michael looks to me then stands.
Janet rubs her forearms and shivers a bit,
"Oh...there must be a draft in here. Burr..."
Michael smiles and he takes a seat next to his sister. I see him close his eyes and Janet looks over.
The teacup that sat in her lap, rolled into the floor until being caught by Shan mid tumble. Faith grabbed my hand as she realizes there are tears gathering in Janet's eyes.
"M- Mike?"
Michael looks to her smiling and she holds her mouth from screaming. I smile and my lip begins to tremble.
She let's the tears begin to fall and Michael says,
"Hello sis. I've missed you.."
Janet wipes her eyes and hugs his neck,
"I can't believe I'm looking at you. Michael, I miss you so much."

Janet was now sobbing as she hugged her brother. We had reunited siblings and together we all cried happily. She kisses his cheek, sobbing and pleading
"I love you so much Michael...I love you...I can't tell you enough I love you, brother. I do."

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