Dilly Dilly

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We got back from LA about a quarter to eight. We all hopped out being a little more cheery than we were earlier and we all laughed coming up Neverland's drive way. No, we weren't drunk. Buzzed, just maybe. But not plastered. I sure thought otherwise when I looked up to the mansion from the jingling keys. It was lit up. Every light inside the house was on. With no electricity.

I stopped in my tracks and looked around, "What the hell?" Faith says catching it as well as I did. I go to unlock the door and before I could put the brass skeleton key to its lock, the large front door swings open on its own. I suddenly feel the alcohol leave me as I feast my eyes on what was beheld inside. Neverland was gorgeous. The chandelier in the foyer was lit up to perfection and everything looked so new. I was dumbfounded, at a loss for words at what was going on. Who could have done this good of a housekeeping and remodeling service within a three hour time frame? We left the mansion in no where close to this good of shape. "Did we go back in time?!" Faith gawks as both of them take in the sight of the house.

"It's so beautiful." Shania says spinning around.
I was too confused to be amazed. I walked up stairs and to another piece of amazement, the bedrooms were tidied up and rearranged to lavish senses of style.

I looked to both the girls stumped saying, "Who did this? How could this all been done in so little time?"

Shan stops in her tracks as she makes her way admiring the sparkling corridor,
"Hey....the only one that was really here after we left... was Michael.."
We look to her from the new seeming mansion and wince,
"I mean I totally believe that Michael's spirit is here. But this is huge." I say gesturing to all of it.

Faith shakes her head and says muttering, "Well...if Michael did somehow manage to pull an extreme home makeover from the grave, I applaud him. He's quite the miracle worker. Hey this means we could have our own rooms.."

Shan and myself look up with excited eyes and say, "Hey it does. But remember. No one sets foot in Michael's room.."
They both nod saying , 'agreed' we gathered our things and went to separate rooms to sleep in for the night. Not wanting to clutter the elegant duvets and pillows that covered all the beds, we slept on fold out cots. The room I chose was close to the library. At the end of the hallway facing directly at Michaels room. Shan chose one next to the west parlor and Faith wanted one with its own bathroom which was downstairs next to the den.
I came out of my room to use a full length mirror for my hair and Shan stood in the half bath I was heading to flicking the light off and back on. I looked at her strange and she says getting caught off guard, "I can't see how we have electricity. Michael's doing or not..."

I nodded and told her, "Ya know...I always pictured Neverland as Somewhere Else from his 'Ghosts' video, but it's almost like it's cozier than that. Its almost English cottage style. Its really nice.." I say then continue
"Do we have water?" She goes to the porcelain pedestal sink and turns the knob and cheers seeing water begin to trickle out.

"Yay! I don't have to brush my teeth with a water bottle."
I laughed at her joy and bidded her a good night. I leaned over the railing calling down to faith and she calls back up, "Night guys!"

I go to my temporary room and set up the thin blankets I had padded together to hopefully keep warm tonight. I looked around the room and tried my best to take in how pretty everything was. The side tables had white fleece doilies with glass figurines of angels and such. I tip toed over to a small wooden vanity and sat on the small padded stool. In the mirror I played with a piece of my hair then noticed a small box ontop of the vanity top. I opened its lid, curiosity getting the best of me. Inside on a small wobbly spring, spunk up a small bluejay. Beginning to play with a weak metallic key churning from the inside, was the nursery rhyme Dilly Dilly.
'Lavenders green dilly dilly,
lavenders blue
If you love me dilly dilly,
I will love you'
The bluejays wings would softly flap next to the thumb size mirror inside and I smiled seeing how endearing the music box seemed to be. I shut its lid and turned off the lamp I was using and began to get into the cot.

The Neverland InnOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora