I'm lost

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I did what they said. I counted down from 3 until it hit 1 I told my body to jump.

Recap of last chapter

My body hits the ground. I feel a great deal in my un-cast leg. In the background I hear the USV drive away without me. I get up very slowly and look at what's around me.

I was thinking was this were they were suppose to leave me or where they on my side. A minute later the car crashes down the street. the car blows up in flames.

A road was running through the forest. it was a hot summer's day with the sun beating down on us. I start to walk north down the road.

Hours later I stop to rest. I think to myself how long was it ago I was just with Matt standing in front of the bathroom door kissing.

I had to stop thinking of Matt, I needed to start finding a water source. I walk into the forest 'cause there had to be a water source or a fresh lake around. I search through by near the road because that will get me back into a town or a large city.

The sun starts the set as I look for water. I touch the ground to feel the most moss growing on top of the wet grass. I follow the moss which leads me to a small stream. I cup my hands into a bowl a scoop the cold water into my hands. I sip the water into my mouth and had the relief to not die of dehydration.

I sit under a tree near the small stream. I think about how I'm going to survive, without food or any weapons to protect myself with.

All this thinking makes me tired. I fall asleep thinking that I was in Matt's arms.i started to feel the warmth in my toes all over again like the first night that Matt was at the house.

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