What do you want with me?

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"What do you want?" I say to him. he come into the room and grabs the letter to Matt and puts it back down. I stand up to met his eyes that are glaring at me. what does he want from me? I overheard one of the henchman told Matt that I was a very important piece of his plan.

Recap of last chapter.

"What do you want with me? why am I here?" I ask him. he looks around the room like he's never been here before.

"So many questions that will be answered in time" he says while picking a book at the end of the desk. he stays on the other side of the desk.

"I don't have time! I don't know what your henchman are doing to Matt but, I want him beside my side the whole time that you need me" I tell josh trying not to make eye contact with him.

Josh comes near me and I could feel his breath down my neck. he puts his hands on my hips and I squeeze my hand into a tight fist. I swing behind me trying to hurt josh but I fail and he pushes me up against the wall. and pins my shoulders.

"You have to be on your best behaviour! or I kill him cause he's no use to me" he says as I try to get him out of y personal space. i think of a world without Matt an I nod my head in agreement.

"Do you hear me?!?" He says slamming his hands on my the wall.

"Yes!" I yell at him. he leaves the room and I sit on the ground and cry. now I wonder when Matt is gonna be here.

The next morning I sit in bed for two more hours. i wanted to know how much time it will take Matt to get here. josh is probaly hurting matt for what i mess up on. that's how he controls me by hurting others i love but, what if matt fights back then who will he use to get me back in his power?

i move into the kitchen to look for food. i find canned foods and bottles of water. i suddenly remember the date with pasta and chocolate covered strawberries that now make me also remember the crash and thinking that's part of josh's plan. he did it because it would make me vuanable and to make matt my savor but he's the one who's getting hurt not me.

i'm suddenly not hungry. thinking of how this is partly my fault for bring matt into it. i go back into the bed room and clim into the bed sitting in the middle of the room. i notice that there are no windows anywhere insidde the house.

when i wake up it's around noon. i go into the livingroom to find matt heavily guarded on the couch probaly waiting for me. i tell them to og or just move away from him. i wake him up and bring him to the bedroom. he clims into the bed with me and i finally feel safe with him by my side. i haven't slept in so long with his warmth and safety.

i only sleep for a hour but it felt longer. i turn to meet matt's face. i find him sleeping. i look at his face and to my surprise that everyone looks younger when they're sleeping. i move a piece of hair from his eyes and touch his face slightly. i find his hand on my hip and i wove his hand with mine.

I felt a slight kiss on my head and I open my eyes to find Matt smiling at me. he puts his hand on my cheek and slid it down to my neck. I move closer to him and he held up his free hand. I intertwined my hand with his.

"Do you know if you fall i'll fall with you" he says in a tired voice. I kiss him ever so slightly on his cheek.

"I'm sorry I got you into this. it's my fault your in this" I say to him making sure that I got the point across.

"Baby, your my everything and I would never leave you" he says moving a piece of hair out from my face and behind my ear. I bring a slight smile on to my face.

"What are we going to do to get out?"i say to him but, I think he doesn't want to talk about it.

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