Finally your here

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My brother came to visit me again. he even more pissed at josh then the car crash.

"Can we speak to you miss.Eliot" the police came through the doorway. I told my brother to wait out in the hallway.

I nod my head. they stand at the end of the bed. I look at their name tags. Detective S.Martin was on the left side of the bed with ruffled brown hair.

to his right was J.Granger with his blond curly,he was around 21. He actually looked kinda hot with his ripped skin.

"Is there something you want me to tell you?" I ask them. they both look at each other.

"Yes there is. josh gave us this letter to you" J.Granger as he puts down the letter.

Dear Jen,

I was hoping you would get this. I still have Matt which means I still have you in my control. By sunset tomorrow you will come to me and you'll give yourself up to save dear Matt's life for your own. make sure your alone. if you don't show up he will die and it will be on your hands.


I couldn't believe this. I couldn't think. it was like my mind just shut down.

"What are we going to do?" I ask them. they take the letter from my grip and the second one puts it in a plastic bag.

"We? No, you are going to be safe from this situation" S.Martin but, I strongly disagree.

"I'm the only one who knows where he is. plus he only wants me and I intend to do that." I say to them as I get up from my bed.

"We can't let you do that" J.Granger said blocking my path out.

"We only have by sunset tomorrow. that's not a lot of time." I say to them as I across my arms over my chest.

They both look at each other. I know they are thinking about not taking me to Matt.

"You can't do this without me. I've been through a lot but I'm not giving up on Matt. he's the one that got me through this. I was stuck in that house for 11 days with him." I say to them.

they open the doorway for me and I pass right by them.

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