Chapter 15

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"Rayah get off of the jean table.", Chyna warned.

"No because this bitch tryna call me fat! I know exactly what size pants I wear, its just this store!", Rayah argued.

"'re pregnant. It's normal to not be able to fit your pants."

"Whatever.", Rayah rolled her eyes stepping down and walking from the store.

"I can't take you to anymore stores.", Chyna laughed.

"Because I can't fit anything? Wow. What a friend you are.", Rayah scoffed.

"No, you act crazy in every store. You have to except that with a baby comes the weight. There's nothing wrong with you. Your still fairly small." , Chyna giggled.

Rayah twisted her mouth up and side eyed Chyna.


Chyna found her attitude so amusing. The hormones couldn't possibly make you this crazy.

They decided to go out to eat since Rayah was grumpy.

As they sat at the table in deep convince Rayah looked over as the restaurant door opened. In walked Dream.

"Bitch. Behind you.", Rayah said cutting her steak.

"What? Oh. Dream. Yall talked since the whole fight?", Chyna asked smiling her lemon water.

"Nope. I don't plan on it. Chris doesn't want her and that's that. She needs to work on her music and stay focused.", Rayah said with a small shrug.

"Facts.", Chyna nodded.

"So you know you're due in four months. When is the baby shower gonna be?"

"Next month for sure. I have to get all the invitations straight and rent the place. Chris has been on his shit lately so he can sit back when the baby is here.", Rayah explained.

Chyna nodded and caught a glimpse of another girl walking up to Dream.

She had mocha colored skin and funny eyes that were sure to send death glares at any given moment.

They sat across from one another. Dream handing her an envelope and the girl smirking.

"Lame asses.", Rayah scoffed.

Chyna laughed. Why was she so crazy?

"I know she's not pointing this way.", Rayah said nonchalantly as Chyna peeped the girls table.

They were both standing up and walking those way.

"Chyna I'm pregnant. So if I stab this girl with this fork, she deserves it."

"Rayah! Glad to see you here.",Dream spoke first.

Rayah just looked at her, laughed, and continued on her food.

"Really adult like. Anyways, how's Chris?", The unknown girl spoke.

"Great. We're all great. Me. Him. This baby. And this fist I'ma use to-", Rayah was cut short by Chyna.

"Their great."

"Hmm. What is it? You took him from Kae. You stole him from Dream. And you feel like you're the queen huh?", The unknown girl spoke again.

"What? You goofy as hell. Dream was a non factor. I knew nothing about her until a month back. Chris and Kae been done. What is your point?", Rayah asked confused.

"How dumb must you be? All these females and you think you're gonna be the one? You got the engagement ring. That's it. He's not gonna really marry you.", Dream rolled her eyes.

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