chapter 10-Part 2- Bieber,You stalking me and Demi?!

Start from the beginning

Knock ! Knock!

" there's someone behind the doooor!" Liam sang to his words.

" I'll get itttt daddy direction!" Zayn did the same thing as Liam.

I follow Niall to the White sofa and seat down beside Harry.

" hey Biz, I know that this girl name hope, yanno. there's rumors bout y'all but I know. you liked her bro" Harry whispered to my right ear.

I just gave him a blank stare.

he give a smirk as a return.

I look where Zayn is.

he opened the door and there's hope and Demi standing there.

I took off my obey snapback and cover my face.

Oh lord, this hope gonna kill me to death. I thought in my mind.

Zayn's POV ( First time Hehe )

I opened the door and there's two girl's standing there. Oh god, If I never go with Perrie , I'll take one of them but not my type. err.

" Hi Zayn . it's Hope and Demi. " the girl said.

" so you're Demi and she's Hope?" I asked.

" Yeah. " the girl with blue hair said.

" come in and seat on the purple sofa. " I said.

I look over Justin who's cover his face with a snapback.

what's wrong with him.

he's look like he's scared or something?

the girls walk over to the purple sofa and seat down. I seat down next to Niall.

" so, Which on is Demi and hope?" I asked.

" I'm Demi " said the girl with blue hair.

" alright, so your hope then" I asked suspiously.

" yup!" said the girl with black hair.

" great , lets start then?" I asked them.

" sure" said Demi.

" okay, take any song from that table beside you   u can choose" I said

" well, ok " Hope reply.

when the girls choosing their songs, I walk over to Justin who's still covering his face with his snapback.

" bro" I tap his shoulder while saying.

" ye yeah?" justin shutter.

" why are you covering your face bro?" I asked.

" I'm scared that hope will saw me that I'm here. " he said in a scared tone.

" oh, she seem nice but well, you know her well then us cus y'all are collage friends." I said.

" yeah" justin said in a scared tone.

" we done choosing Zaynie!" Hope kinda yelled.

" well, great! what ya both choose?" I ask happily while looking at then

" Um, As Long As You Love Me By Justin Bieber?" hope said.

" and Strong by You Guys " Demi said

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