Miroku x Sango Mango

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Anime: Inuyasha

My opinion:

Omfg. They were my first ever otp. I used to ship them SO HARD! Seeing this picture is bringing up so many memories. I still love them so much! :) They are so freaking adorable.  When they were in that cave I seriously cried.  And I love that they both have so much purpose and backstory to why they are in the group.  I also love that they both provide a outlet of humor for the anime. :)

Spolier below. 

And they ended out canon! :DDDD I am ECSTATIC about that. :) Their children were absolutely gorgeous!!! ♡


So we saw in the anime that Miroku is..... quite..... perverted. Lol. And I think that once Sango said yes or initiated it, Miroku would go completely dominant. Sango would be very sweet, shy, and blushy. And Miroku would always be holding her hands and kissing her and protecting HIS Sango from every other man.  Lol. I love them so much. ♡

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