How not to laugh!

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How not to laugh

is the new draw

to sniffle and giggle

without  the guffaws breaking out

Decorum is the new norm

To me it is a thorn

of not to laugh out aloud

cannot keep in the mouth

my body will go south

twisting in weird circles on the floor

I am sure to be shown the door

in any room

I will visit anytime soon

Doom and doom

This crazy fad

of the snooty few

I would gladly slew

Whatever happened to 

the good old laugh

a bellyful of laughter

The snorting laugh

Prim and proper ,my foot

I will laugh out my heart

Rolling and lolling in the sun

Doleing out jokes galore

With a pint of lager,uncouth

With the whole body going south

Scaring the sensibilities of the

niggardly prim and proper few!

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