Chapter 19: I need to do this

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Elsa's POV:

Today we're supposed to figure out a plan to kill Pitch. Yes. Kill Pitch. He's gone to far.

I can feel the poison affecting me lately. Just yesterday I fainted from the cold. The cold. It never bothered me before. Now, I can't stand being outside.

"J-Jack?..." I croaked, my voice raspy and hoarse.

"I'm here. I'll always be here." Jack cooed. He slipped into the bed and pulled me close to him, pulling the covers over us.

"Your brother is gonna kill me if he finds us like this." Jack chuckled. I hid my face in his chest.

"D-Don't worry about Tempest..." I managed to say with a small smile playing on my lips. A cough came out of my mouth. "Sorry..."

"Its okay." He whispered, pulling me closer to him. His heat radiated off of him and onto me.

"I love you... You know that right?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yeah, I do. And I love you." He confirmed. His eyes searched mine. "What's wrong Snowflake?"

"Nothing!" I said quickly. "Nothing... I'm just tired." A yawn escaped my mouth, making Jack yawn. "Yawning is contagious." I laughed.

I closed my eyes for a minute to appreciate this moment. Moments like these don't last forever.

There was a knock on the door. I looked at Jack. Panic was written all over his face. I kissed his cheek, making him calm down.

Tempest entered and his face was red. "Elsa..."

"Tempest..." I playfully glared at him.

"Finally! You two are finally together!" Tempest yelled. The Original and Frost Guardians all ran into the room.

I blushed as everyone was cheering about our unofficial relationship. "G-guysssss. Stop it." I laughed, stretching the 's' in guys.

Tooth flew over to me. "Are you two datingggggg?" She asked, stretching the 'g' in dating.

"It's unofficial." I whispered to Tooth. She looked at Rapunzel. I looked at her too. She looked... Angry? Mad? Jealous?

I turned back to Tooth, who was studying my expression. "Don't tell Tooth that you're unofficial." She whispered in a warning tone.

I nodded. He's mine. I won't let him get taken away. I'll protect him, even if it means I have to leave.


Its about midnight and everyone is asleep. I made my way outside the workshop in my blue snowflake dress.

I have to make everything better. I have to make sure he doesn't hurt them. Tempest walked out. My eyes widen as he realized I was out here.

"Elsa... Why are you out here? You're gonna get even more sick." Tempest scolds. I coughed.

"I need to make everything right." I whispered. My mind went fuzzy.

"Elsa, don't do this please..." He whispered back. The wind howled.

"I have to." I pulled him in for a hug. "Make sure you guys are ready to save me." A tear fell down my face as I slowly pulled away from Tempest, walking away.

I started sobbing as I walked into the forest.


"Pitch!" I called out. "I'm here!"

I sat on the snow. "I'm here." I whispered.

"Little sister!" Pitch's voice called out, amusement in his voice.

"Pitch." I glanced at him briefly before closing my eyes. "I'm here to turn evil. Everyone has turned against me. They don't trust me anymore. My own brother doesn't love me anymore. They all left me in the dark."


I'm doing this for them. I'm not gonna turn evil, I have to pretend. No one left me, I walked away... For a bit. Tempest stills loves me, he just has a new script to play. Jack... I just hope--

"I believe you... Little sister." Pitch said hesitantly. "But what made you change your mind?"

I opened my eyes and glared at Pitch. I used my magic to cause a storm around. I know I'm being dramatic, but I have to play my role.

"I saw him kissing Rapunzel." I lied as if it was true. That's the funny thing about me, everyone doesn't know when I'm lying. They believe my lies.

I coughed, wrapping my arms around myself to try and heat up a bit.

"I'm sorry Elsa, I shouldn't have poisoned you." Pitch said sincerely.

"I feel sorry for everyone who's gonna have to go against us." I fake snickered, determination swimming through my eyes.

Not determination to take down the guardians, frost guardians and Tempest, but determination to bring down Pitch.

I'm an abomination, watch your back Pitch. I'm already planning your demise.

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