Chapter 10: Special date...?

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Jack's POV:

Today is Friday the 13th. What a horrible day... I think I've been cursed today. When I woke up, I fell off my bed and spilt water on me, which was on my desk.

I walked into the living room. "Good morning Jack." Rapunzel greeted. "Its not a good morning... Its cursed..." I corrected her. She rolled her eyes.

"Ye believe in that too, mate?" Merida asked. "Yep." I agreed. "Morning everyone." Elsa greeted with no expression.

"What's with you Elsa?" I asked worriedly. She rolled her eyes and sat on a bean bag chair. "I hate, Friday the 13th." She admitted as she closed her eyes. "What happened?" Hiccup asked. "I couldn't sleep at all. There was thunder and lighting last night. And it was pouring out. I was scared..." She said as she stood up. Everyone sighed. "I'll be in my room." Elsa says before walking away.

"I never knew Elsa could get scared..." Anna said. "I was scared too... I saw a spider crawling up my hair." Rapunzel said, her voice cracking a bit. Me and Hiccup laughed. "Don't laugh at her!" Anna and Merida protested. I snickered.

"Lets go lads." Merida said as she pulled Rapunzel and Anna out the living room.

"I'll be with them today..." Hiccup sighed as he went after the girls. I guess I'm with Elsa...

I went upstairs and stopped at Elsa's door. I knocked 2 times. "Elsa? Please I know your in there." I teased. "Leave me alone Jack." She said eagerly. I slumped my back onto the door. I think I heard Elsa do the same thing. "Wanna hear a story?" I asked. There was silence.

"There once lived a princess, no one knew her. She was mysterious. She liked to isolate herself, never liked to roam around. Until one day, someone died in front of her. She was shocked. She was so shocked that she never isolated herself from people again. By the way, this is not a real story, I just made it up." I said.

I heard a little cute giggle from the other side of the door. The door was suddenly pulled open. Since I was leaning on the door, I fell on my back. Elsa let out a little giggle as I pulled myself up. "You really like to laugh at me." I teased.

"You're right about that!" She laughed. "Hey! I was just teasing you." I complained. "And I wasn't lying." Elsa smiled. I smiled at her. I grabbed her by the waist and hung her over my shoulder. "Put me down!" Elsa protested. "Nope. I'm going to take you somewhere special." I said. "Can I at least change into something more comfortable or fancy?" She asked. I sighed and put her down.

Elsa pushed me out her room and closed the door.

I've been waiting for about 15 minutes. Elsa's room door opened and I couldn't believe my eyes.

She was wearing a dark blue ombre dress. She had light blue lip stick on and dark blue eye shadow.

My jaw dropped. Elsa let out a little giggle. She snapped her fingers in front of my face. I shook my head and smiled.

"You look beautiful, snowflake." I said, smiling at her. She smiled back. "Now we can go." She said. We walked downstairs together. I held her hand. She looked at me in surprise.

"Sorry." I said as I removed my hands from hers. "Its okay. I wanna hold your hand." Elsa admitted. This time, she held my hand. We both smiled at each other.

"Let's go." I said as we left the house, hand in hand.

We arrived at a fancy restaurant.

Elsa's POV:

The restaurant looked amazing.

Me and Jack took a seat, sitting across each other. "Here are the menus." The waiter said, handing us two menus. "Thank you." I gladly accepted the menus. The waiter walked away and I passed a menu to Jack.

I opened the menu. "Hmmm. This looks good." I said. I read through the menu.

The waiter came back. "What would you like to order?" The waiter asked as he was getting ready to write our order.

"I'll have mashed potatoes and some water." I said.

"I'll have the same thing as her." Jack replied, gently taking the menu from me.

He gave the waiter the two menus. The waiter walked away once again. "Why'd you want to bring me here?" I asked. "Because I wanted to take you somewhere special." He replied, smiling. I smiled again.

I've never smiled this much in my life.

Our food arrived at our table. "Thank you." Me and Jack said in unison. I dug into my food happily, same with Jack.


After eating, me and Jack went to the front of the restaurant. "I had fun, Jack." I confessed. "That was the point snowflake." Jack smiled.

We looked each other in the eyes. "You're beautiful and sad, just like your eyes." Jack admitted. I blushed.

I smiled and he smiled.

Jack leaned towards me, and I leaned towards him. It took me a moment to process what was happening. Our lips crashed...

We kissed...

It felt like fireworks went off. That was a special moment for me. We pulled apart. "Umm... I... We should... Get home..." I managed to say. I was still shocked...

We made it back home, hand and hand, and went to our own rooms. I smiled as I drifted off.

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