Roots Before Branches

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Rachel's POV

I look out the window at all the passing figures and wonder how my life got here. I mean leaving high school, I was a star, had a loving boyfriend and a exciting future ahead of me.

Now? Well ex boyfriend is with the girl he cheated on me with. My high school stardom faded the second I went to college. Winning nationals with my glee club means nothing anymore. If anything, at least I got a family out of it. A family that's all over the globe these days. And I'm still waiting to see what this exciting future becomes. They say it's all about the journey, right?

I sigh loudly. "Quinn, where are we going?"

"I said it was a surprise so it gonna stay that way."

"Oh please, you do realize that I've noticed that you've been going in circles?" I cross my arms and wait for an answer.

"All a part of the mystery. Now come on superstar, let me cheer you up."

I shrug and continue to look out the window. A buzz comes from Quinn's phone and I turn around to see a smile grow on her face. She makes a turn and seems to be driving with more purpose.

I close my eyes and let my day sink in. Ms. July was particularly hard on me today. She usually is but today felt different, like she had some personal stuff going on and I just happen to be her punching bag. If anything, I just use it to better myself. One way or another, I will graduate from NYADA and go off to Broadway and become a star.

"Ok! We're here!" Quinn exclaims.

I open my eyes and yell. "What the hell, Quinn? We're home."

"I know." She smiles and grabs her stuff.

I stay in the car shocked by my best friend as I watch her walk around the car and opens my door.

"Well come on, I think you might want to come inside." I slowly climb out of the car, eyeing her as she remains with a big smile on her face.

We go inside and walk up the stairs to our apartment on the third floor.

"Ready?" She asks.

"For what?" I shrug.

She opens the door and I see my brother Blaine standing with my best friend/his boyfriend Kurt in our living room.

"OMG! Kurt! Blaine! You're here!" I exclaim, giving Kurt the biggest hug.

I let him go and give Blaine the same.

"Quinn told us about Finn and said you needed some cheering up so here we are!" Kurt says, explaining everything.

"I love you." I say, hugging Quinn. She whispers it back.

"So what's the plan?" I ask.

"Well we were thinking of catching up maybe have a few drinks, we can explore the clubs downtown." Blaine suggests.

"Oooo maybe that karaoke diner, I've heard about?" Kurt says, excited.

"Aw come on, haven't we sung enough in Glee?" Quinn laughs.

"Its up to you Rachel." Blaine points to me.

"Well let's just go downtown and see where the night takes us. Deal?"

They all agree and we head out the door.

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