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Santana's POV

"Fuck! Lets go nigga!!" I bang on the door.

The door finally opens and my bro Puck walks out.

"Damn girl, what's your problem?" He asks rubbing his mohawk.

"You know I just started this new job and I can't be late. And thanks to you, I have less time to shower!" I call out as I rip my clothes off and hop in the shower.

"Well then maybe you shouldn't have hit that bong so many times." He laughs.

I peek my head out the shower curtain and glare at him.

"Shut the fuck up. I didn't hear you complaining when you were taking a hit." I stick my tongue out at him.

"Haha, speaking of which.." I see him walk away, probably to look for the bong we used last night.

I focus on taking my shower and start to think how I got here. The heartaches. The losses. I work shitty jobs to provide for the only happiness in my life. My son Mateo.

Mateo is only four years old and is the love of my life. Everything I do is for him. It doesn't matter if I had to resort to stripping as long as it helped me provide for my boy.

This weekend, he's with his dad, Julian, and I probably won't see him until Tuesday night. It hurts so much not being able to see him everyday. But being single and divorced isn't easy.

I met Julian about 6 years ago. We became best friends and then it was friends with benefits. My family and I didn't get along so when I had enough, I moved out and got a place with Julian. Long story short, he became my husband and three years later we had Mateo. Only problem was that asshole Julian was cheating on me. I've never been easy when it came to relationships and love. So when I open myself up, I give it my all. And if that person I give my all to fucks up by cheating. That nigga better run before I beat his ass, like I did my ex husband.

Right now I work as a mechanic at my uncle's garage. Its not easy, but life isn't easy. My uncle taught Puck and I everything he knows. Puck works there too. It pays the bare minimum and right now I need more, no offense to Tio.

Which explains this new job I'm headed to.

I race out of the shower to change into a plain black t-shirt, faded skinny jeans and my favorite gray cowboy boots. I brush my hair up into a ponytail and rush out the door into Puck's camaro.

"Ready?" Puck asks, smirking as he backs out and heads out of my apartment complex.

I stick my tongue out at him and start doing my makeup.

He laughs as he starts to get his phone connected to the Aux cord and play his music.

"Nah uh." I say shaking my head as I stretch out my hand.

He looks and sighs, knowing that he wasn't going be able to play his music.

"You know better." I laugh, sticking my tongue at him.

There is this diner downtown called Callbacks, that is looking for a bartender that can sing and dance. Luckily for me, I was in glee club when I was younger so that gives me some experience.

I really hope I do well on this job. For Mateo.

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