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Rachel's POV

"Come on, Rachel!" I hear from downstairs.

"Coming!" I call out.

I grab my bag and head downstairs. I see my best friend just sitting on the couch playing with her phone.

She looks up to see me and jumps from the couch and pulls me out the door.

"What took you so long? We're gonna be late!" My blonde bestie groans pulling me to her 2009 Mazda 3 hatchback.

"Sorry Quinn, I just saw Finn post another picture of him with his new girl and I got depressed and just zoned out." I sigh looking out the car as Quinn pulls out our driveway.

"I'm sorry, Rach. Hey you are beautiful, smart and incredibly talented. He doesn't deserve you." Quinn reaches out to hold my hand as she drives.

"I know. It just sucks. I thought he cared. I know I did." I sigh.

"Yeah hun, but you're different from other people. You care about everyone even your enemies." Quinn smiles at that last part.

"I guess that's how I got you as my best friend." I laugh.

"That was high school, and I feel horrible for treating you that way." Quinn pouts.

"Haha I know Quinn, we're past that. And now I couldn't ask for a better best friend than you." I squeeze her hand.

"Good. Cause together no one stands a chance against Faberry!" Quinn yells raising our intertwined hands in the air.

I laugh at my goofy best friend.

We arrive at the New York Art school that Quinn and I student teach at while we work on our degrees.

"Ok bye love! Try to have fun." Quinn smiles, giving me a hug.

"I'll try. Love you. See you later." I smile back, returning the hug.

Quinn waves as she runs up the stairs to get to her class. I head to my class as I pray Ms. July doesn't yell at me today.

I go to NYADA. The New York Academy of Dramatic Arts. I plan on being on Broadway, and it helps that I got scholarships to help with the tuition. But everything else is all on me. So I moved in with Quinn whose going to NYU to pursue a degree in writing and photography.

We both got a job at a small studio as student teachers in the degrees we want. I have dance and theatre with Ms Cassandra July. Quinn has photography and design with Mr Keegan Allen.

"You're late." I hear Ms. July's booming voice as I walk in.

"I'm sorry Ms. July. I--" I start to apologize when she cuts me off.

"If I wanted to listen to your little sob story, Schwimmer, I'd ask. Now hurry up and get started on my paperwork." Ms. July huffs as she turns around and sits back at her desk.

I nod and get started on the mountains of paperwork that Ms. July leaves for me to do.


"Hey there superstar." A soft voice calls out from the doorway.

"Hey snapshot." I smile, seeing my best friend with her camera around her neck.

"Haha you ready to go?" She laughs as she walks in.

"Ugh yes! I'm exhausted. I swear Cassie just leaves everything for to me to do in the end." I sigh as I put the rest of the paperwork away and grab my things.

"Really again? Damn.." She laughs, running her hands through her short blonde hair.

I walk over to her and give her a big hug. Quinn wraps her arms around me and squeezes me tight.

"Come on, sweet girl. I think I just might have the thing to cheer you up." She smiles.

"What, Quinn?" I ask.

"It's a surprise." She smirks and winks as we head to her car.

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