Little Witch

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Maie was not a particularly religious girl, but when Matthew asked her if he could walk her home, religion was a perfectly good excuse to tell him no. Especially when it was partially true. Every afternoon when she returned home, she disappeared straight to her room, like most teenagers she enjoyed her privacy.

But unlike most teenagers Maie was a witch.

And tonight was especially powerful for people like her, a full moon signalled the thinning of the veil between this world and the next. A time when ghosts and other mythical creatures could pass into the human world. On most full moons Maie would travel to the vacant field closest to her house and leave a small purple candle to symbolise spirit; the very core of the human experience.She wold sit on the ground staring at the candle, wondering about all the things she had been taught from her mother. How to be strong and capable, how to cast spells. And importantly, how to assure that she was safe in her craft; never cast spells that are too advanced for the caster. She had stuck to that rule ever since her mother had died. Protecting her. Proctecing their secret. Her mother had cast a spell advanced for even an elder witch. And died shortly after completing it. That's why her dad and her had moved, to get away from the memory. When she stared at that purple candle, flickering in the slight breeze, she would ask the spirits for guidness in her path.

But she could feel the shift in the air tonight, something told her that travelling after sunset would mean trouble. And so she would suffice with lighting the candle in her room, setting it on her windowsill, looking out at the night surrounding her she shivered, bright eyes staring back at her she almost believed they . Something was already well and truly loose on the world.

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