Before I go

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  • Dedicated to all cancer patients

I have wanted to write this story for quite a while, and sanna_banana helped me a lot :D

By writing this story, I did not try to make cancer seem banal, but I wanted people that are diagnosed with cancer to make the most of their life, as should anyone, diagnosed with cancer or not.

I am very sorry if what I wrote hurt anyone in any way.

I would really appreciate it if you tell me what you think of my story, comment, vote, fan etc., you get me! ;)


"We have predicted you have around two years to live. I'm very sorry." But he didn’t look very sorry at all. After all, he had probably told hundreds of patients that they had less than a month to live. Still, I was not expecting the news. Two years? Two miniscule years? What would I do in two years?

I had been recently diagnosed with acute leukaemia. Me, your average eighteen year old had cancer? It just seemed so… surreal. A few weeks ago, all I worried about was exams, clothes and wondering if it was about time I hovered my room. Now, I was told I was going to die soon.  I had felt weak for a little while, but I would have never thought I had blood cancer. There is no hope for me. No possible treatments. And I only have two years. It sounds so short, yet if I had been told to wait two years for a particular event, such as getting my new phone, or the last book from my favourite series to come out; two years would have seemed too long to wait. Now, it felt like it would be over sooner than I wanted. My friends. My family. I already miss them. Even the annoying teachers. I would have to leave them all. Why me? I guess my parents would just say it was faith. Ah, the irony.

This world is so big. I feel lost and miniscule. I am only one in over seven billion people. I am only one in millions of people that have cancer. I am probably luckier than a lot of them. Some are told they have a few years, other months and some even weeks. I would not say that I feel lucky, but I feel luckier than so many others.

Live young and dangerous, eh? Well, no point crying about it, I have no time to waste. Literally.

“Well… is that enough to go to Japan, Iceland, Russia, Egypt and California?” I asked the doc; going for the brave I-don’t-care-how-much-I’ve-got-to-live kind of answer. My family, which consisted of my father, my mother, and my older sister named Hope who were crying silently at the corner of the room; looked up at me, surprised, shocked; dumbfounded.

“What? I have to go to at least my five favourite countries.” I said defensively.

“Um… I really do not know…” The poor doctor had no idea what to say.

My sister came and put a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

“If Faith wants to visit these countries… then I think that we should let her, don’t you think?” She asked; her dry tears glistening on her cheeks.  Now, that was a very difficult thing to ask, seeing as even though I was eighteen years old, the only country that I was ever allowed to go to alone was France; and I only needed to take the Eurostar to get there.

“Er, we’ll… talk about it.” My dad said uncertainly.

“… Could I talk with your parents for a moment?” The doctor asked me.

“Of course.” I said with a smile.

“Thank you, if you could just wait the waiting room please.”

Hope and I went out of the room. Well, obviously we didn’t go in the waiting room; we stood silently very close to the door, listening.

“Um, well, you see, I think that Faith is taking the news rather well. Slightly too well, may I add.” The doctor said, seeming a little worried.

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