Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Shiori's P.O.V

It's been about 30 minutes since me and Katsumi were looking around for Usui. That was our mission, to find Usui, and defeat him.

But, i don't want that one bit... he saved me. He saved me from that scary-looking-thing! I don't wana kill a person who saved my life :c But, look where i am now, trying to kill someone who SAVED.MY.LIFE!

"Okay that's it! We're parting ways." Katsumi said, annoyed out of her mind.

"Why?" I said, afraid i'd encounter Usui and have to kill him.

"It's easier that way. We have no luck in finding Usui, so our only choice is to part ways. Besides, i feel like we're going around in circles... IN A HALLWAY!" She groaned and left.

I sighed and sat on the floor.

There's no way that i'm going to look for Usui, just to kill him. 

.... Wait.... What if i warn him?! What if i warn him he might get killed? I'd actually save his life for once... :3 Yes! That's exactly what i'll do! Score 1 for Shiori! ^^

I hurried through the hallways and ran as fast as i could, but i had to catch my breath. I couldn't find Usui anywhere... x.x what if she found him and killed him already? What if I'm too late?

 I looked at the window and at the forest. o.o Usui?

It was dark outside and i couldn't see that well.. but i'm pretty sure that was Usui.

You can guess what i'm gonna do. Yep folks! You've guessed it! Follow him :3

"Usui!" I called out. "Usui!!!"

He just kept walking, seems like he didn't hear me.

"Usui!!!!!!" I yelled one last time and opened the entrance door.

I ran to the forest and i could see very little of him going to the right. What's he doing here anyway?

I kept following him trying my best to not lose him... but you can guess what happened. Yeah, i lost him. It was pitch black and i could hear branches being crushed, the noise came closer and closer, then i heard foot steps.

And there i saw it, the scary memories came back and i remember this thing. It's that black figure, but it looks a little more... vicious i should say? I can see him more clearly now though...

"GoNUyK NEHg! Un RUhn" (Translation : "Delicious food! Don't run.")

I backed away slowly and fell over a branch. Great.

He got closer and closer and grabbed my hand

"Un Dyur? CHyn Xuj" (Translation: Where should I start?)

I started crying in fear, i couldn't do anything... i feel weak...

The goblin's grip on my hand loosened and he fell to the ground.

Wait... is this a dream? I'm pretty sure memories wouldn't replay...

Behind him was....

Im pretttyyy sure u've guessed who was behind him... but i wont say it for the clueless people :p

Pretty short.


Forgive me.






(If you enjoyed)

*Continues eating cookies*

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