silk and scents

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Its been almost nine days and i am avoiding him like the plague itself. I am still unable to forget the touch of his fingers on my skin. Even a single thought is enough to make my body react. He is always under my skin, even though he shies away from me in the corridors. The memories are still fresh in my mind and everytime i lose focus, i'm there with him, sinful lips on sensitive skin. A tremor of pleasure wracks my body and i wake  from my daydream as i pull into the driveway of my home.

Goosebumps raid my skin as i come across the kitchen island. I shudder in delight and immediately chastisise myself for thinking about him. Slowly, the bright orange glow of the sun across the sky changed, painting the sky with hues of purple and pink. The lights cast a soft glow across my room and i sighed. The bed seemed much more inviting now than it seemed an hour ago.

The soft linens caress my skin as i roll around on the bed, sleepless like the night before. His thoughts converge in my mind, kaleidoscoping and losing focus over each aspect of his body as the mild sound of howling wind lulls me to sleep.

I wake up to the sound of creaking floorboard. The soft hint of petrichor in the air notifies me of the first snow. I feel eyes on me, moving along the expanse of exposed skin under my sheets. The soft bedding now feels uncomfortable, the bumps pushing into my skin at odd angles. I try to move my arms, only to find a cloth, fluidly soft, tying my wrists to the head board.

"You're awake." I jolst at the noise and turn to find its source. Kyle smiles, his lips turn to a small degree and he sits beside me. "Soft ...." The words roll off his lips and for a minute, i wonder if he's drunk. His eyes, half shut under the soft glow of the lamp, look at me with wonder. Each breath of his, accentuated with desire, as he breathes heavily. His lips part and i avoid his gaze, ashamed at myself for avoiding him. He scowled, wrapping his arms around my chest and snuggling close. His hair tickled my face and i let out a sigh.

"Kyle...i..." He cut me off with a peck on my lips and snuggled back. His kiss was just the beginning as i became aware that kyle was wrapped around me, without any clothes separating us. My breathing hitched, as my body painfully made me aware of his skin rubbing against mine. I moaned into his hair, struggling against the soft fabric for some relief

I whimpered as his tongue caressed every ridge of my taut muscles. He straddled me, the paper thin linen being the only thing that separated us. His lips whispered sweet nothings into my ears as i drank in his scent. The urge to taste the delicious skin on his neck was too over whelming and before i could stop, i had my teeth in his shoulder.

His body shuddered with pleasure and he mewled, sweet and low, like simmering caramel over heat. He licked a trail from my neck to ear and kissed it softly before biting down. I screamed, pleasure wracking my body, each wave stronger than before. I had no relief, and the torture continued for what seemed like ages. I mewled, whimpered and even threatened to scream his secrets to the whole school. But with each threat, the pleasure and the torture grew.

The twilight across the horizon painted my room a deep purple, and i melted into him as he took me. Sweat beaded on my back and my arms, now rigid from the sweet torment, ached. Not a bad ache, but like a warm glow under my skin. He untied my arms, kissing my wrists over and over, apologising for getting carried away.

"Are you drunk, kyle " i asked incredously as he spooned me in his embrace, gently rubbing my forehead. "I'm always drunk on your scent"  he said, kissing my forehead lightly, as sleep embraced us.

The next morning, kyle woke up and and felt around until he found the piece of silk. I hadnt seen what it looked like, hadnt cared about it until now. Kyle was staring at the piece like it was the most incredible thing that had met his eyes. "Hi ... " I said, not wanting to shake up the sweet innocence that shone through his eyes. The silence in the room was deafening and the tension grew until it was thicker than the air around us. Kyle turned to me, holding the cloth tightly in his hands, and looked at me with tear filled eyes. Immediately, i was at his side, wanting to console him. Kyle looked at me, looked through me, as he held my face in his hands and let out a shaky breath.

"I can paint for you"  he said, and my lips turned to a smile as he laughed. Not ordinary laughter, this was filled with mirth and In the short time that i had known him, he had flipped my world upside down.

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