Chapter 2

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Like I said, Hetalia.

So I went to google, searching this hetalia thing. But then I was distracted by my friend's post and then like she even said something.



Hetalia again. I was like "Is this a new anime? Everyone seems to like it so I have to like it as well"

Yeah, so I liked her post. Then I continued my searching thing.

What actually came out was weird. Wallpapers everywhere then I tried to search it into Hetalia characters then it all turned out to countries.

Personified countries. And I was like this is cool, I searched every country
Something like Hetalia america, hetalia Russia, hetalia japan   yeah.

And when I saw this chibi version, his hair is white then he has red eyes, wearing a black military uniform so I thought he would be the bad guy.

Then I looked at his name. "Prussia?"
"Wait I thought I searched Russia"

"Where the hell is Prussia?"

"I never heard of it"

Yes. I never heard something like Prussia in my entire life. So I searched Prussia just a single Prussia, then it was actually an empire before in East Germany.

"Did this motherfucker dissolved or what" Yeah I said that. Weird, right?

And then I went to
I searched hetalia, there were a lot of Hetalia

Axis Powers
World Stars
Beautiful World(new)

I don't even know where to start, so I tried World Stars. The comments helped me a lot, they say that the first season is Axis Powers.

So I clicked Axis Powers. Over 50+ episodes "This is gonna be a long day" I sighed. So I clicked episode 1.

Yes. The into of kissanime was you know...The first one to appear. After that intro, a freaking annoying voice.

I actually watched the sub version. So it's probably waaaaay more annoying.

He kept on talking and talking about World Conference and Global Warming. Then this character appeared so fast like a glance then saw a flag beside.

"Wait what."

In my mind, the animation and the graphics was so fucked up and was really weird.

Then I saw a Spanish flag. "Okay?"
I said.
Yeah, it was weird but. What I thought of my mind was maybe this will help me on my studies something like that

Then yeah, America, England and France saw them. France was like. Roses appeared in his background.

It was really weird and I was so confused. "What did I just watch?" I spoke.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 23, 2016 ⏰

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