Chapter 25- Like A Spit Roast But More Bloody.

Start from the beginning

Sherlock finally looked up but didn't speak just nodded slightly and I sighed, taking this new information in. "You're not shitting me? This is true?" I asked quietly.

He didn't speak for a moment as he contemplated his words which didn't help his case. "Yes. She's gone and not going to be turning up on our doorstep anytime soon."

I took a breath and sat myself down slowly in the chair opposite him. My hands were clasped in front of me on the table and I watched him as he scrolled through his phone. "How are you holding up?"

His eyes moved up from the phone and then went back to it. "Fine. I'm fine."

"Course you are." I said with a slight smile. "Because you're Sherlock Holmes, the detective with the funny hat."

Sherlock glared over at me and I smirked before pushing my chair away from the table. "How's Scott?" He asked with a chiding tone. I chuckled and shook my head. "You haven't seen him in a while."

"Safer." I said with a shrug and stood, pushing my chair under the table again.

He frowned and lowered his phone a little. "For him or for you?"

"For him, I guess. I mean I'm mixed up with a lot of dangerous people." I spoke with a tone of finality.

Sherlock hummed in thought and then pulled a face of disagreement. "So is he. His Father embezzles money for Moriarty. I should know I handled his case and he walked away scott-free." He groaned to himself. "No pun intended."

"Oh I think you fully meant that." I said and pointed at him, tormenting him. "Sherlock Holmes is making puns now, I'll make sure to mention it to John."

Sherlock glared sternly at me and I laughed before saluting cheekily, heading for his bedroom. "I'm going for a nap, okay?" I announced and I heard him mumble something incoherently as I pushed open the door.

I threw myself onto the bed and bounced a little. Irene Adler was dead for real. Before, I hadn't comprehended the notion of her death because it didn't make sense at the time. Now after she'd essentially lost I could very well believe she had been killed by some organisation in a foreign country somewhere.

Stretching out on the bed I covered my eyes and sighed loudly. Water pooled in my eyes and I had no idea why. I wasn't upset about her death, not in the slightest. Did people cry in relief? Was that a thing? That's what it felt like I was doing as I wiped away the tears that were falling down the sides of my face.

My phone buzzed but I couldn't bring myself to read whatever message Scott had sent me. No doubt it was an angry one.


This had to have been the weirdest thing I'd ever done and I'd done some strange things in my time. How we'd managed to persuade Molly to let us do this I had no idea.

But I reckon it had something to do with Sherlock batting his eyelashes at her before she relented in a matter of seconds. I stared at the carcass on the metal table and then up at Sherlock's menacing grin.

"Are we seriously doing this?" I asked in disbelief and put my hands into the pockets of my jeans. I had thankfully found some science goggles lying about and quickly put them on my head.

Sherlock clutched onto the harpoon in his hand tightly. "If we want to solve the case we have to."

I sighed and moved the goggles to cover my eyes. "Fine. Just try not to get too much blood on me okay?" Sherlock scoffed and raised his harpoon, pointing it at the pig carcass. Our case involved someone being killed with an implement we couldn't identify and Sherlock thought the only way to figure it out was to stab a dead pig with a harpoon.

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