A Prayer To Uplift The Soul

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I have created this prayer site to encourage uplift and inspire people to look to their

Heavenly Father for help, love, support, strength and hope for a glorious eternal future.

God loves you so much friend that he sent his only begotten son to this world to die on a cross

so that you could live forever. Doesn't that make you special in Gods' eyes?

In the bible - Mathew 11:28 says:

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Isn't that great news? Whatever your problem is - bring it to the Lord - there is no problem that

is too big nor too small for the Lord - just bring it to the Lord and he will help you. He wants to

give you rest for your worries. He wants to help encourage uplift and encourage you all along

your life until finally you meet him face to face and spend eternity with him - forever - there will

be happiness, joy, laughter and fun in heaven. A place that will be so beautiful - that you couldn't even imagine it properly - that is how fantastic it is going to be when we get to heaven:-)

Reader/ friend - God loves us all so very much - there isn't anything he wouldn't do for you. He has already proven his love for you. What a wonderful, powerful, loving, caring, inspirational friend. 

What are we going to do for God - in our response to his great love for us? For some of us - it might

be just rest - and take it easy for a while. For others - it might be how can we help others - For us who

are ready and in a position to help others - Let us do so - Let us join together and pray and do whatever is within our means

and hearts to help others - to lighten their burden - to help lift their load - when we are in a position to do so.

Eveyone understands the language of love - Who have you shown love to today friend?

The day isn't over yet - so if you haven't had time to give out extra care and kindness to someone -

it is not too late - do it now :-)

Let's pray.

 Dear Kind and Loving Father 

We come to you today and say thank you for all the many blessings you

shower upon us on a daily basis. We are thankful for our families, our friends,

ours homes, our cars, our animals, etc -  and we are also thankful Lord for good health.

 Some of us don't have good health Lord - I pray for you to comfort and uphold those

people going through their hard times.

We know Lord that you are an awesome, loving, wonderful, caring God who only wants the very best for his children. Please Lord impress upon whoever is reading this prayer to accept you into their

lives - because life can be so fragile - none of us knows what is around the corner - but if we accept you Lord - then we are guaranteed a wonderful place in your kingdom - when Jesus comes back to take us home.

We know Lord that money can't buy happiness, it can't buy health and it also

can't buy eternal life - but we are so thankful Lord  - that you said - Don't worry about

anything - but instead trust you. With you we can have happiness , with you - we can

have rest and peace - with You we can have joy  - most of all - we can have eternal life

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