One day I had an uneasy feeling in my stomach when my dad left for work. I don't necessarily remember what caused the feeling, but it was definitely something in the atmosphere.

But we did our regular routine by going to the kitchen and me helping my mom cook, so I chose to ignore that feeling.

Next thing I know, I wake up in my bed with a terrible headache, and a awful fever. Everything just seemed like a foggy blur, but I remember this detail clearly like a summer sky.

There was only one person at the side of my bed; not two. That's when I realized my unsteady feeling was right.

My dad had left us that day. He never came back to our family, and instead he went and married some other woman and raised a family with her.

I think my mom felt like something like an affair was happening with my father, but she didn't want to do anything that might
have a negative effect on our families relationship.

My mom started to work, so I would always be left alone in the house by myself. When she came home though, she would cook my favorite food, and still find time to play with me.

One night I couldn't sleep, and I went my moms room, and the sight was heartbreaking. She was on the ground, crying in darkness. But the next day, she would always put on a smile just for me.

Since I was a kid, I didn't understand the stress and sorrow in what had happened to us.

And the thing is, I'm not mad at him. I don't hate him to the core. He left my mom and I without saying a word, so I should be furious with him. But I just don't feel it.

He was the one that made that decision, so I just excepted the fact that he wasn't happy with us anymore.

But with my mom, she-

Jimin, dinner is ready," Jimin's mom says as she opens the door to the room; and this stamps me out of my memories and back into reality.

I don't know when, but Jimin pulls away his hand that somehow came to rest on my hand.

I look over at Jimin, but he has head down. Then I make eye contact with his mom, and just stare for a few seconds, until her face suddenly lights up.

"Taehyung," she says as she starts coming closer to me. As I'm still a little in my daze, she places her hand on my forehead." how do feel."

I sit their awkwardly staring at her from the sudden skin contact, but I snap myself from the surprise, and out of the daze.

"I'm fine," I tell her with a small smile." I just didn't get enough sleep. Sorry to worry you."

"I was worried, she says almost kid-like serious."but Jimin over their was freaking out like you were about to die," she says with a little laugh.

Jiminie looks up at his mom, his face a little flushed from embarrassment. I wasn't that worried," he protested with a little pout.

His mom and I giggle at the sight.


"Thanks for worrying about me Jiminie," I say with a smile." But I'm really ok."

"Hey, that's what friends are for," he says with a huge grin." I wouldn't be a true friend if I didn't freaked out about your health."

"Ok fellas,"  she says as she turns her head left and right to look at us, then claps her hand together." Who's ready for food."

Jiminie stands up from his chair quickly at the hearing of the word food. He puts his nose to the air, trying to sniff the food scent like a bloodhound. This is the most hyped Ive ever seen him.

I laugh at the scene, which causes him to jolt his head in my direction. He stands there, staring down at me.

His mom already left the room to set up dinner for us, so it was only him and me in the room.

Whoops. I think to myself. Should I have not laughed? 

"TaeTae," he says as he comes to the side of the bed." Why are u just sitting?

Let's go get food! Jiminie says as he extends his hand towards me with a toothy grin.

I smile to myself and grab his hand, pulling myself off the bed in the process.

He puts his arm around my shoulder, chanting a little rhyme of different foods, and I look at him with amusement.

Hey Jiminie, If those depressing things didn't happen in my life, would I have still met you?

That One Summer 《 Vmin 》Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ